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Port Said Engineering Research Journal /
 Port Said Engineering Research Journal /
  تفاصيل البحث
[9001896.] رقم البحث : 9001896 -
Experimental and Analysis Study on Structural Behavior of Ferrocement Frames /
  قطاع الدراسات الهندسية / الهندسة المدنية
تخصص البحث : الهندسة المدنية
  Port Said Engineering Research Journal /
  الهام ابو العباس محمد ( egyptqueen2013@gmail.com - ) - مؤلف رئيسي
  Hassan Ibrahem
  Mostafa Marzok
  Ezzaat sallam
  Ferrocement, Flexural, Shear, Normal Behavior, Wire Mesh, Panels, Closing Joint, Opening Joint.
  Ferrocement gained an increasing research effort in the last decades due to its low weight and different uses in the developing countries. Ferrocement elements can be used as roofing, flooring elements, or either framed structures. This research presents an experimental and analytical study of the structural behavior of Ferrocement frames. The main objective of the research is to study the effect of combined actions as shear, flexure and normal on the structural behavior of Ferrocement joints. An experimental program including thirty test specimens in form of box shaped panels was conducted. The panels were classified into three groups to draw out the necessary conclusions from the studied parameters. The included parameters are reinforcement schemes and corner reinforcement ratios. The effects of the selected parameters are presented in form of cracking, failure loads and load deflection comparisons. from the study, it is observed clearly that there is significant influence of reinforcement on the overall panels. As the amount of reinforcement increases, the action load increases indicating a higher section capacity to resist more load and delay cracking and yielding of reinforcement. Moreover, the location of the reinforcement helps in enhancing the behavior
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