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ملابس شعوب آسيا الصغرى والأناضول وتصويرها في الفنون اليونانية والرومانية من القرن السادس ق.م إلى القرن الثالث الميلادي:
شيماء عبد المنعم عبد الباري أحمد،
أحمد، شيماء عبد المنعم عبد الباري
آسيا - ملابس - تاريخ - (6ق.م - ق 3)- رسائل جامعية آسيا - فنون - تاريخ - (6ق.م - ق 3)- رسائل جامعية
تاريخ النشر
2010 .
عدد الصفحات
241 ص؛
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 241

from 241


Abstract : The study of clothing is consider from one of the
important areas of reading and good interpretation of the past; it
provides us with accurate information about any society, and
reveals the true picture of the identity of the people in this
community as well; where it usually is not limited to identify
different types of clothing worn by its people, but also to learn
What was their life and intellectual attitudes towards life.
Perhaps the quality of the textiles used by people for
example, show how different tastes and industrial skills of the
hand, and also indicative of the inequality on the other, and
perhaps the decorative elements used in good faith to show the
culture of this community and its heritage and its environment.
This study has been based on the review of clothing used
by the peoples of East Asian cities and through different artistic
media, used by the Greek artist, Roman art such as pottery,
painting or sculpture and sculpture both types even high rielfs
on the temples or on the evidence and coffins or on the
triumphal arches and columns and Roman emperors on the
vests, which the artist used to record victories Romania,
especially leaders in the imperial era is important and choose to
search only the studies that specialized in the study of clothing,
whether Greek or Romanian used to refer to Eastern clothing
catalog and its arguments on the technical different, because
only Middle Eastern and Asian countries without reference to a
particular community use these clothes.
And may be due to the quality of clothing at both ends
differ substantially; The West European (Greeks and Romans)
used to use the sleeveless dress (chiton of the Greeks and the
Romans Altonik and are usually demonstrate a belt) and it used
a cloak (or Himation, toga or Pallium), while used various
Asian cities to use the pants and dress it has a narrow long
narrow sleeves over them, too, and the mantle. So this study are
First: that both by the Greek or Roman artist in different
periods - the place to examine this letter - it was already
monitoring the types of reality and different uniforms of the
Asian peoples, and this confirms the real relationships among
these peoples during these times, and were not - as the view of
some Studies - types of clothing or non-Asian public had
already known forms of Greek or Roman artist only to
symbolize or to refer to members of the Asians.
Second: According to portray these different types of
clothing on the ability of Asian artist of Greek or Roman to
differentiate and distinguish between different types of clothes
people in the countries of East Asia, and that this artist was
observer of reality, despite the apparent similarity of these types
of clothing in most communities Timor. And it may be old artist
has ”write” the fact the language of visual expression and this
”language” easily deal with all the people in those ancient times
because they did not proficient in learning to read and write
And therefore also the study excluded all types of Urdu
is not covering the body, such as headgear, weapons, jewelry,
footwear, and which would normally fall to study what we call
dress of the year.
It should be noted that this study deals only with the
peoples and communities covered by the allotted time for any
message from the sixth century AD, ending the third century
AD, and therefore excluded people Babylonian and Assyrian
and Sumerian and survey was limited to communities and
peoples of Anatolia and their various come in the time with the
Greek society from the sixth century AD, and those that have
emerged and continued to have dealt with the Romans until the
third century AD.
Because the relationship between the Asians varied since
the very early; between friendship and allies, and times hostility,
and also to the length of time from the sixth century AD, even
before the first century AD, we’ll notice disparity between them
and the historical period of Romanians who identified their
relations in the wars in the Middle and only victory or defeat.
The study has been divided three main headings, each of
them is divided into two sections and never the front and pave
the way for the subject, and then affixed to the doors of the
three catalog of maps, photographs and a number of
supplements: Supplement to the list of key terms and names
Greek and Latin, which received the letter and Localization
them, and the list of the most important sources that were relied
upon, in addition to my references, one in Arabic and another
for the most important foreign references in addition to the list
of major websites that have been adopted in the study.
Part One section of this study to the two main first
chapter deals with ”among the countries of Greece and the East
Asia: An Introduction historic” some aspects of communication
and historical relations between the Western Greeks and among
the various Asian peoples in the period from the sixth century –
the Archaic age - and ends in the first half of the first century -
the Hellenistic period.
The second chapter ”technical material submitted by the
Greek artist from which the East Asian types of clothing” and a
descriptive study of the clothes of the people in Greek art and
has been divided into three eras Archaic age and divided into
men’s and women’s clothes, and clothes of both sexes was also
in the Classical Age , and finally concludes this chapter dressed
men and women in the Hellenistic period.
the study monitor the relations between them closer
variety of friendship and alliance, and times once a runner in
some time. The technical material was different for different
pots (styels) black and red figure and white, and the list of the
statues and sculpture, both of the statues of both types based on
different various arts, whether funerary and various religious
Part II of this study was divided into two chapters is also
the first major deals ”between the Romans and the Middle Asia:
An Introduction historic” them to talk about some aspects of the
historical relationship of historical contact between Westerners
and Romanians between East Asians from the country’s
Anatolia. In the Republican era and age Imperial.
The second chapter ”Article art, the artist Roman types of
clothing which East Asian” and deals with a descriptive study of
the Eastern Anatolian clothes in the arts and Romanian had been
divided into eras the first of them: dealing with men’s clothes
and women in the Republican era, and the second: both in
clothing the imperial era. It is noted that the form of the
relationship between these Eastern and Roman’s relationship
with winners and losers, and that the technical material differed
between both types sculpture carving, statues and stand-alone
sculpture and mural paintings vests and engravings on precious
Part III is an analytical study of what was previously
displayed in sections and the first in the first chapter in Greece
and the Romans in the second quarter.
During this analytical study was to identify raw materials
used by the various Asian peoples, and how to prepare them for
these materials and their means of dressing up these clothes and
using buttons and other material for dressing up of clothes.
and had reached the study for the existence of the peoples of
Scythia mercenary soldiers in the arts in ancient Greek Archaic
and the emergence of the enemies of the Greeks the Persians,
from the classical era, and then a rotation in the Hellenistic
And the emergence of some Eastern religions in the
Roman era, which emerged dressed in Asian, as were some
characters dressed in Asian and Asian artist has added some
elements of Greek Himation or Chlamys.
and then, the study findings to different ways of archaeological
history of art materials through the clothing or garment.