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الدور الاقتصادي للمرأه العاملة بالصناعات الريفية /
البنا، فريال محمود خليل.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فريال محمود خليل البنا
مشرف / أشراف محمود محمود بدر
مناقش / نادية حسين الشيخ
مناقش / أشراف محمود محمود بدر
المرأة العاملة.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
213ص. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - إقتصاد وإرشاد زراعي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 238

from 238


The economic role of working women in
Rural Industries
The rural woman is considered a great labo~ l’ r
power in Egypt. Rural women constituted 27.7~ of the
total population of Egypt in 1978. They take part in
alle.,ects of rural life. Rural women play an importent
role in farm and non-farm production, Rural
small scale industries are most important fields
where the rural women playa notable part. as such
industries are based on raw materials mostly found
locally. They need only simple captial tools and low
skill reqUirements. These industries are also compatible
with the rural values habits, customs and desires
of the rural women, these industries spring fro!
them and their circumstances, and from their economic
and social needs. The rural industries have been
there for a long time contributing to the process of
economic developlEnt. The rural industries employ a
great siZe of rural labour. This alleviate uneaployment
and migration of those _eking better incomes
inerowded cities. ~ration causes increase 1n
demand on consumer ~OOdB in cities and scarsity of
agriculture labour. in rural area. The rural industries
a, re suitable for Egypt in the present time
as they utilize the cheep local resources in pr oduct Lor
that satisfyes the local needs. In addition they contribute
to the decentralization in production and the
increase of the value of the rural and agricultural
resources, work in small scale industries helps women
to spend their leisure time in a production work that
increases the income of rural families. The rural industries
have a pasitive rale in facing the steadily
increase of population in rural areas as they satisfy
the demand for rural goods, their work in these industries
and increases their feelings in the positive
participation in life. This research analizes the
economic value of the investment of rural women effort
in these industries.
This research aillS at the stwlying of the following:-
1. fdent”ifying .the kinds of product ion of women in
the rural industries
2. Fd.gure out ’’the” a.nili’ty-of, the’!”urfi! women in werk
production in the rural industries.
3. Estimation of income generated in the productive
processes in these industries.
4. Figuring the number of working hou” in these
5. Studying the convenience of these industries to
the country woman.
6. Investigation of the importance of production
in satisfying the need of consumption.
1. The problems of production and marketing the
products of the rural industries and figure out
the rural women point of few in future of those
8. The study of some social and economic factors
which infleunce the economic role of women in
rural 1ndustr1e a,
The research has depended on the following procedl
The selection of the area of the research on basis of
presence Bnd variety of small scale rural industries
for women labour. Kerdasa in Giza governorate and Emi:
Village in Kalubia Governorate were chosen for this r’
search. The choice was made after several exploration
visit and the inquaring of (officials) in the two gove
A random sample of women and girls above 15 years
old the working in small rural industries was drawn fc
research. The number of women and girls is not less
than 6 in every industry.
The most important rural industries for women
sewing, Embriodery, ••siot ~on~th.e-hel!td£Jon, ~rv
~)UV~ the tricot and local clothes, shawls, palm
leaves products, palm-leaf stalk products, palm fibre
products and Da1r7 Products.
The size of the research sample was 78 working women
in K.erdasa and 37 wolt’l.en in Emiay village I so the
total number amounts to 115 working woman. This research
estimates the economic value of women labour in
rural induatree whenever she gets the oppartunity to
work and Participate in production and where the demanl
for her produ~ is abundant •
The discriptive and statistical methods were used
in the analysis of this research. Measure of the ~roductive
efficiency for the labourer woman, and product
vity of the investements in these industries. Some
functional relationships between economic variableswe
also measured.
The most important results of the research are:-
I :
The most important social characteristes of warneJ
labourers in the rural industries in the research sam:
1. 6~ of the labourers were in the age from 21 - 4
2. 61% of the labourers were illiterate.
J. About 66% were married, 21% were widows or
divorced and I) not married yet.
The most important aspects of labour training,
working place, hours of work and income or wages were
as follows:-
1. It was found that the primary source of learning
the know-how of industry in the rural area is
learning from parents. This source constitutes
42% of industry learning. Other sources of lear
ning are relatives and neighbours.
2. Most of these indsutries are bas~ on manual
work, 13% of them Bre based on simple implements
such as the needle Bnd thread, and some
sharp-edged tools. About 21~ of workers use
semi-automatic tools such a8 sewing machines.
3. It has been found from this research that the
working-hours in these industries are between
20.1 - 38 hours weekly. Sewing requires more
hours than other industries, embroidery took up
20.7 working hours, as it depends on good sight
and light.
4. 86%of the rural industries of the research
sample was carried on in the house, which indicates
the importance of the home as working
place. This is convenient to the working-woman,
who has several other responsibilities as a
wife and mother, and it insures industry-stability.
5. Average training period for rural industres was
found to be less than a month. This was true fOJ
all industries, with the exception of sewing,
which required more than 6 months of training.
6. It has been found in this research that about
61% of labour women receive the returns on production
weekly, and in cash, as, for example in
the case of dairy products, the hat and scarf
industry and the palm tree produce industry.
The relllB1n1D8 J~ of labour-women reee i ve their
income aD an irregular basis.
1. Ninety per cent of labour women in rural industry
agree that the prospects for industry is
good, because of its encouraging retarns that
has improved their standard of living. They
encourage their daughters to take up this line.
The most important Economic Factors Associated
with Capital:-
1. 67%of labour-women obtain the inputs of production
from local sources, while the rest have different
other sources. 80% of women workers own
the tools for work. The rest are either hired
or get the tools from their employers.
2. Most labour women obtain rBW materials and sometimes
a part of the price in advance from the
employer or the consumer.
J. 91~ of’ the working women de not buy on credit”
they buy on cash basis.
4. The prodllction and the productive process cont ir
in these industries all the year round except f(
i:h@ dairy products 1s seasonal.
5. 28% of the research sample complaned from lack of
the raw materials necessities of production as
fodder or electtic power failure.
Rural industries were classified in this research
into three groups:-
For economic analysis.
The first group which includes sewing, Emb Yo: Lde r;
Scarves, Local clothes, finishing Tricot, Loom product
industry and making shawls.
1. sewing industry:
The average of the weekly production is
estimated at 25 pieces.
The price of the piece sewing varied from.
2. Elllbroldery :
The weekly production 18 estimated at 22
pieces. The a1D1mum prices per piece varied
from L.E. 0.15 to L.E. )0.
J. The finishing of the clothes tricot and local
clothes: the average of the production is estimated
40 pieces.
The net rarurns per piece ranged from
L.E.O.5 to L.E. 1.5.
4. Loom products industry produce 6 shawels weekly
price per piece ’wo.’L.[1.20.
The second groub:
Palm trees products industry (Palm leaves
stalk-Palm leaves - fibres) are done for all the
members of the family in a collective nature.
1. Palm leaves products: The/weekly production is
estimated 15 pieces. The products of the Bundle I
the palm leaves that weights from 1-1.5 kilogram:
is saId for ten piasteres.
2. Palm leaves stalk products: the weekly productioJ
average is 26 baske~s and the production is
J. Palm fibres products: this industry is rough wom
work in it with their ha8banda or fathers and th
production 18 Yaried and diversiliad.
The third group:
The Dairy products industry (Butter and Chee~
The average family weekly production amounts to
5.19 kilogram of Butter and 5.54 kilogram of
Costs and marketing:-
Costa and inputes of production were generallver;
The first group:-
1. Sewing: the weekly total costs are estimated at
L.E. 2.75.
lAId IiMICl.-..
2. The land Embroidery: the warkin&!in this industry
obtain all her input resources from the consumerE
or middlemen.
3. Scarves and sewing on the beads: Ascar! costs 45
Piastres while cost of beads ~or a dress costs
60 Piastres.
4. The Tricot and Local clotbes: the employer pays
all the coats.
5. Shawls industry: the price of the thread Bq”tlle
which weigh. % Kilio gram 1s L.E. 2.00 to L.E.
The Second group:
1. Palm _ Leaves stalks productS: the average weekly
costs amounts L.E. 2.2. The price of the bundle
of the Palm-Leaf stalk is 10 Piastres which weig~
1-1.5 Kilo gram.
2. Palm-Leaves products: the weekly costs of the pal
leaves is L.E. 6.08.
3. Palm fibres products: the average of the bundle
of the fibreis L.E. 7 according to the size.
The average weekly cost is about L.E. 5.6
The third group:
Dairy products industry (Butter-cheese)
The average weekly costs of dairy animals Per
Family L.E. 11.27.
The marketing of the rural industries Product1on:-
1. Most of the’ rural industries production is marketed
locally. Some products are marketed on the
le vel or the ,Republic. A BIE!l part of them is
exported aa in the embro1dred clothe 8.
2. Markting is carried out all the year round except
Dairy produots industry which is less in summer.
J. The marketing is carried on their own account the
account of the merchant or the oo.s umer.
V :
The net returns of the rural industries. The fil
group of industries:-
1. Sewing: the average weekly returns is L.E. 47.64.
2. Embroidery: the net returnes is L.E. 16.5 weekly,
J. Scarves and sewing on the beads: the average net
returns were L.E. 20 weekly.
4. The tricot and local clothes: the average of the
weekly net returns is L.E. 26 net returns.
5. Sha”,u s: the ave rage ·of the weekly returns is
L.E. 21.8.
The group of the second 1.adt18trles:
1. Palm-leaves products: the average of the weekly
returns 1s L.B. 18.6.
2. Pa1I1l-Lea:f stalk products: the average ot the
weekly returns was L.E. 20.56.
3. Palm fibres productS: the average of returns is
L.E. 29.4.
The third group of industries:
Dairy produda: the average of the returns in the
seasons of production is L.E. 10.64 weekly.
some others indicators are defined
1. 93* of the working women spend part of their income
on food, clothing, education and house hold
2. Most working women find that the financial position
of the family is positively affected
by their income.
3. 61%of labourers claim that they do not save par’
of their income While 39% state that they do sa’
from the returns of their products in different
ways. Such aa: storing the DlOney in the house or
buying gold, buying durable commodities, investing
in breeding domestic animals and birds, or i
buying a refrt.aerator to sel.l Cold drinks.
4. 56% of the ruyel families consumed some of their
industry-products to a limited degree, 28% do not
consume any their products at all, and 16% consume
the products to a great extent, asjnthe case of
dairy products.Hence the importance of the economic
role of labour women in rural industries is
clearJhey contributes to increasing the family
income and raising the economical and living
standard of the country families. They help in
realising the success of the plans and programmes
of social and economic development.