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Physiological and biochemical effects of cotton plant as aresult of spraying with some insecticides fungiciddes and herbicides /
Ismail, Mohamed Said.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mohamed Said Ismail
مشرف / I. F. G. Eldin
مناقش / A. A. Khadr
مناقش / H. Elhammawi
cotton. Insecticides. Fungicides.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
136 p. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - نبات زراعي
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For this study three The main objective in this investigation was
tc study the physioloeical and biochemical effects of
Vitavax Captan as fu~icide~ Fluometuron and Trifluralin
as herbicides, ane Drospan and Lanit as insecticidES,
on Giza 69 cottar variety.
lines of experiments, in the laboratory, the greenhcuse
and the field WEre conducted.
1. Laboratory eXferiments :
Seeds of cottcn were soaked in fungicide and
hErbicides solutions in water at the rate of 1/10 of
tte field recommended rate. These soaked seeds were
planted, half in Petrj dishes and the other half in
10 em diameter pots. The germination percentage, radiele
+ hypocotyle, reot and stem lengths,
lengths, and dry weigbts were all meausred.
2. Greenhouse ex!eriment:
The seeds werE planted in }O em diameter clay
pats and treated with the pesticides at the rate of
2/3 the field recommended rateo The pesticides were
afplied individually ar in combinations. The data of
germination percentagE, root length, stem length (plant
hieght), dry weight/plant, and the chemical analysis of
t.le cotton leaves at the age of 45 days were all recor-
Ie d ,
Field ex~rim~nts : Field exp.was carried out in the experimental
esa t Lon farm 0 f the A?;ric. Research Centre 0 f Giza
dllring 1978 and 1979 3eaSOns. The pesticides were
a)plied in different ~ombinations as the recommended
rates and time. The effect of combined pesticides
on growth and yield 0 f cotton plant were studied. Leaf seed analysis for all chepri ca.l contents were dete-
.rrni.ned ,
The results ob tad ned can be summerized in the
following: -
(1) The laboratory experiment~:
The germiaation percentages and the radi-C:.8 + .bypocotyle Lengjhs in petry dishes were reduced
b~’ soaking seeds in p€~sticide solutions, except Vitavax an which gave an :.ncrease.
The root and ~,temlengths and dry weight/plant,
of plants grown in poi s, were increased by soaking seeds
ill Vitavax and }!~luomehl..ron and their combinations,while
Tl’ifluralin and its ccmbination with Vitavax caused a
rE duction.(2) Green house experiment:
Germination percentages were significantly reduced
by the application of combine d fungicide with ner»
bi cides.Plant hiehgt was significantly increased only
by the application of :Eluometuron alone Dry weight/plart was increased by fungicide and
herbicide applications. The insecticides caused a reduction.
The herbicides and Lanit treatments increased
the total chlorophyll in the cotton leaves, while the
furgicide and Drospan ehowed a reduction All pesticide treatments increased the total
carotenoids, as comparEd to control.
The pesticide applications had no clear effect on the mineral content of the cotton leaves.
The total carbchydrates content was increased
by the pesticide applications, except Trifluralin which
cacse d a reduction.
Generally, the pesticide treatments tended to
The fungicide and herbicides tended to increase
the reducing sugars content, while the insecticides
caused a reduction.
reduce the phenol com~ounds in the cotton plant compared
to control.
The total aminJ nitrogen was generally, reduced
by the pesticide treatnents as compared to control.
(3) Field eXEeriments:
Germination percentages were decreased signifi~
antly by the applic~tion of Trifluralin and Fluometur)
n in 1978 season, and Vitavax Captan + Trifluralin
in 1979 season as compared to the contro1.
The plant hight, generally, was increased by
the pesticides treatments as compared with the control
es~ecially at the plant age of 90 days. The increame~
t was significant o~ly at plant age of 45 days in
1979 season.
The application of pesticides showed an increaas
in dry weight/ at the plant age of 45 days in
19’r9 season, as compar-ed to control, the differences
weJ’e significant. At the plant age of 90 days the
ef:~ect bad the opposi tl!trend with insignificant
The pesticides treatments had no clear effect
on stand count as compar-ed to control. The differen~
es between treatments and control were not signifi~
ant. The application of herbicides and insecticides
tended to increase thE yield of seed cotton in kentar/
feddan as compared with the control, while vitavax capten
tended to decreasE the yield but the differences
WEre not significant.
The pesticidef treatments had no deffinit
effect on the average of boll weight in both seasons
au compared with corrt roL, The differences between
the treatments were not significant.
The pesticide,3 applications, generally, caused
a reduction in lint p~rcentage values as compared with
t .ie control. The re Iuctd.o n was more pronounced in
1’379 season.
The pesticides treatments had no diffenit
effect on seed index a~[ compared with control, the diffeJ’ences
were not sign.:i.ficant.
The applieatioJLS with pesticides, generally,
showed a reduction in the earliness percentage, as
conpared with the corrt ro L, the differences were significant
only in 1979 lleason.
Fineness (Micremire values) and strength
(PJ~essely index) were lIot affected by insecticides
applications The chlorophyl:. a content of the cotton leaven
tended to increase by fungicide and herbicides
applications at the ages of 45 and 90 days in 1978
aeuaon, while their ef:’ect was the reverse in 1979
seuson, The insecticicles caused a reduction in chlorophyll
a content in 1~178season but the effect was thl~ opposite in 1979 spason.
Vitavax Captan and Trifluralin reduced chloroprll b content in the cotton leaves at the ages of
45 and 90 days in both seasons as compared to the control. The insecticides increased chlorophyll b
content at the age of :-10 days while at 125 days old
thu results were the opposite.
Fungicide and terbicides applications individue,
lly or in combinaticns, increased the total chloro~
hyll content of the cotton leaves at the ages of
45 and 90 days in 1978 season, while their effect tendec.
to be the opposite in 1979 season. The insecti’”
cicies t generally, tende d to increase the total chlorophyll
in both seasons.
Vitavax Captan, Trifluralin and Flurometuron
t er.ded , in general, to increase the total carotenoids
content of the cotton leaves at the ea.rly stages in
191’8 season, while the effect was the reverse in 1979 n, The insecti cj des, generally, caused a reducti(
ln in total carotenoids in 1978 season,while showed
an increase in 1979 aeaaon;
The fungicide and herbicide treatments tended to increase the total llitrogen content in the cotton
leHves at the early sthges in both seasons as compared
wi trh the contro 1. ThE insecticides however, had no
cLua.r trend.
Vitavax capten Trifluralin and Fluometuron
caused an increase of -;he total P content of the
CO”itonleaves at the e~,rly stages in 1979 season, as
- compared with the contr)l. Drospan treatments showed
a reduction of P content at the ages of 110 and 125
days in both seasons.
Generally, pota3sium content of cotton leaves
was increased at th? age of 45 days in both
seasons, by using the fungicide and herbicides. The
insecticides however, h~d no clear effect on potassium
The fungicide and herbicides tended to increase
the total carbohyirates in the cotton leaves
at the age of 45 days in 1978 season, while at 90
days the carbohydrates content was decreased, as compared
to control. The insecticides tended to decrease
carbohydrates in 1978 season. All pesticides
however, had no clear effect in 1979 season.The total phenols content in the cotton leaveswas increased at the ag~ of 45 days in 1978 by applying
fungicide and herbiiides, while at the age of 90
days the same mentioned pesticides caused a reduction.
In 1979 season, the resllts were the opposite. The insecticides
showed in ge~eral, a reduction of total phenoLs
as compared with t 1.e control.
Genera.lly, the polyphenals content of the cet uon leaves, at the e~rly stages, was increasee by
using the fungicide Me, herbicides in both seasons
as compared with the cOlltrol, while the insecticides
showed the opposite effE~ct.
Vitavax captan, Trifluralin and Fluometuron, genl~rally, increased thE! reducing sugars in the
cotton leaves at the ea:~ly stages in both seasons
as ’~omparedvv:i th the contra 1. Moreover, the insecti
c:Ldes caused a reduct:.on in reducing sugars in both
sea:Jons The fungicide ahd herbicides and the Lns ect Le
cf.d as applications t ended to decrease the total amino
nitrogen content of cotlicn leaves at the age of 45
day 3 as compared with the control in both seasons.
Seed oil conterr~ and quality was not affected by the pesticide app.l.i.catd ona.