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Porcine tissues as a source of viral agents of public health hazards /
Halim, Eman Youssef.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أيمان يوسف حليم
مشرف / فتحي عبد الرحمن موسى النووي
مشرف / نوال محمد على يوسف
tissues. Public Health.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
231 Leaves :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - كلية الطب البيطري - Food Hygiene and Control of meat and its products
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The present study aimed to highlight the public health and economic importance of viral a gents in porcine tissues and pork products. Antibodies for FMD virus type O were recognized in sera of examined pigs. The results declared that 71 % of the examined pigs were suscceptible to FND viral infection as their sera contain low liter of antibodies against the virus. The results declared the presence of Corone and Rota viruses in small intestine and faecal samples of examined pigs.
Corona virus was isolated on MDBK cell line from 2 samples of intestine and 6 samples of faeces. While Rota virus was isolated on MA-104 cell line from 2 samples of small intestine and 9 samples of faeces. Pork products (minced meat and sausage) from supermarkets proved to harbow both Corona and Rota viruses. Regarding the presence of antibodies of Influenza virus type A in the serum of examined pigs, the results indicated that 22.6% of the samples were positive to strain HINI/New Caledonia, while 21.6% of the samples were positive to strain H3N2/Panama or Moscow. Meanwhile, 1.6%; of the samples exhibited cross reaction for both HI Nl and FI3 N2.