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Effect of Potassium Fertilization and Copper on Onion and Quality /
Mohamed, Waseem abd Allah.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Waseem Abd Allah Mohamed
مشرف / Mohamed N. M. Hassan
مشرف / Youssef Y. Abd El-Ati
مشرف / Gamal H. Abd El-Raheem
Onions - Agriculture.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
120 P. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية الزراعة - Horticulture Department
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Two field experiment were carried out at Parka Enterprises Company Station (Sohag governorate, West Tahta project), during two successive winter growing seasons of 2007/2008 and 20081 2009. This research aimed to study at the first experiment the effect of potassium fertilization on onion yield and quality and the second experiment to study the effect of copper fertilization on onion quality.
the Potassium fertilizer combined to consist four treatments ( 0, 25, 50 and 75) unit Ifed. from potassium sulphate 48% Vegetative characters were taken at three periods 30 ,60 and 90 days from transplanting except the average weight bulb and bulbing ratio taken when plants reached 90 days after transplanting. while the yield characters taken after the harvesting and curing. The obtain results could be summarized as follows:
I-Plant height (em)
• Plant height significantly affected by the two onion cultivars at 60
and 90 days after transplanting in the two seasons . The cultivar giza 6 mohasan was the best rather than giza 20 in this trait at 60 and 90 days after transplanting in the both
• The highest values were obtained by highest rates from potassium 75 unit Ifed. at two seasons.
• The interaction between cultivars and the potassium fertilization were significantly affect for character at 60 and 90 days after transplanting in the both seasons. The cultivar giza 6 mohasan
SUMMARY when fertilized with 75 unit potassium sulphate give tallest plants in the both seasons except at the period 60 days after transplanting giza 20 produced the tallest plants in the second season.
2- number of leaves per plant
• Onion cultivars were significantly affected in number of leaves per plant in both seasons at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting except the period of 30 days after transplanting in the first season was not significant.
., The cultivar giza 20 and giza 6 mohasan alternated the increace and decreace in number of leaves per plant over the three periods of plant growth in both seasons.
• The highest values were obtained by the highest rates from potassium 75 unit Ifed. In the two seasons
• The interaction between the studied factors were also not significant in both seasons except the period 60 days after transplanting, it was significant in the second season . The highest values of this trait was obtained when the cultivar giza 6 fertilized with 75 unit potassium at 60 days after transplanting in the second season.
3- Weight of Leaves
• Onion cultivars were significantly differed in weight of leaves at 60 and 90 days after transplanting in the both seasons
• The highest values were obtained by highest rates of potassium 75 unit Ifed. In the first season and second seasons during the three periods.
• The interaction between cultivars and the potassium rates were also significant in the first season only. The highest values of this trait were obtained by giza 20 at the stage 30 days after transplanting ; and giza 6 mohasan at 60 and 90 days after transplanting were the plants fertilized with 75 unit Ifed. from potassium.
4- Average weight Bulb :
• Onion cultivars were significantly differed in the average weight of bulb in both seasons at 90 days after transplanting
• The cultivar giza 20 was the best rather than giza 6 mohasan cultivar in this trait in the both seasons.
• The highest values were obtained by highest rates of potassium 75 unit Ifed. the first season and second seasons
• The interaction between cultivars and the potassium fertilizer were also significant in the both seasons at 90 days after transplanting . The highest values of this trait were obtained by cultivar giza 20 with 75 unit Ifed. potassium in the first
season but the two cultivars were equal and the highest when fertilized with 75 unit Ifed. Of potassium in the second
5- Bulbing Ratio
• Onion cultivars were significantly differed in their bulbing ratio in both seasons at the period 90 days after transplanting.
• The cultivar giza 20 was the best rather than giza 6 mohasan cultivar in this trait in the both seasons during the periods 90 days after transplanting .