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التأثيرات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية الأسرية
على التحصيل الدراسي للأبناء
في مرحلة التعليم الأساسي في المجتمع الليبي
الأزرق,آمنة حسين مسعود
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / آمنة حسين مسعود الأزرق
مشرف / صالح سليمان عبد العظيم
مشرف / بلعيد الطاهر البرغوثي
مناقش / صالح سليمان عبد العظيم
مناقش / بلعيد الطاهر البرغوثي
qrmak التحصيل الدراسى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
علم الاجتماع والعلوم السياسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - علم الاجتماع
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 332

from 332


Study Summary:
Education became the most important factors that drive forward the wheel of development and support the progress and prosperty. The most important objective that ambitious nations is reforming the situation of the youngsters with education, formation and placing them within their priorities , therfore we find them ttilize all of their potentials in reforming educational systems in a way that comply with their economic and cultural conditions aiming to obtain appropriate levels of education and formation that make their young generations active population within their communities and societies and able to employ their capabilities in a way that commensurate with the wishes and needs of their societies . However , in spite of the increased attention that is paid to education and educated population , such countries face a group of schooling problems and obstacles that include the low level of academic attainment and achievement which is considered one of the educational problems experienced by variant levels of schools .
Low level of academic attainment and achievement became one of the educational problems that occupies a prominent place in the mind and thoughts of those engaged in the field of pedagogic, educational and psychological domains even it is considered as the most important problem that equally haunt the mind of educators , parents and students as it is one of the problems that educational , psychological , social and economic domains interwined within the matter that makes it one of the vital problems with serious influence on school climate and atmosphere reflecting other entailed problems.For example, students with low level of attainment and achievement may become a source of worrying annoyance in her / his classoom in particular and in school in general through causing problems due to expreincing feelings of inferiority , incompetence and inability to cope with her / his colleagues in term of attaining and comprehending the prescribed subjects and courses , thus , they would try to express such negative feeling with aggressive behavior , convergence , escape from school or joining bad companions who are similarly, failed in self realization and students may loose many years of their lives the matter that make them miss some opportunities of life , threaten the safety of the societies , dispels a lot of wealth and hinder the progression of their development .
In spite of the efforts made for uplifting educational process , there is considerable number of students who are suffering from the problem of low academic attainment which is apparently seen through the recurrent complains made by teachers and parents in addition to the content of reports made by some inspectors and monitors of educational process proceeding within the country and population concerned with education affairs which include complains and expressions indicating low levels of academic attainment and achievement among students the matter that motivated scholars and researchers to pay attention to the problem of low attainment and directing the efforts toward its studying , understanding its factors and causes in order to confront it , propose methods for its addressing and realizing the best level of academic attainment and achievement.
The current study is based on the increasing number of students with low attainment levels and the increased percentage of fails and school DROP outs especially within basic level education which provide indication to existance of defect within one of the educational components such as teachers, curriculums, teaching methods and styles or defect in students themselves and their relations with their families and surrounding environments . Threfore , the scholar paid due attention to understanding the reasons that prevent students from excellence through focusig on the role of familial social and economic influences on youngsters academic attainment within basic education level at Alhadaba area in Tripoli.
Objectives of Study:
The present study aims to achieving the following:
1. General Aim:
It is represented in studying the familial social and economic impacts on academic attainment of youngsters within Alhadaba Alkhadra area in Tripoli.
2. Sub- Aims Including The Following Aims :
1- Reviewing familial social impacts on academic attainment of youngsters.
2- Reviewing familial economic impacts on academic attainment of youngsters.
3- Understanding familial problems that hinder students learning and stand as barrier to achieving satisfactory results in school examinations.
4- Looking for appropriate methods for improving the role of family toward their youngsters regardless their social and economic status through calling the family to adapt its conditions in order to suit their youngster’s academic attainment.
5- Creating approporiate educational environment in order to reduce education dropouts through families following up their youngsters in school and raising their awareness with the importance of education and its role in life .
Problem of Study:
The pursuit of studying the familial social and economic impacts on youngster’s academic attainment within basic education level in Libyan society brings up the following main question:
The Main Question :
What is the role of familial social and economic impacts on yougsters academic attainment?
Other sub- questions emerge from the present question, which in total form an answer to the main question:
- Is there any correlation between type of residence where family lives and its youngsters academic attainment?
- What is the level of familial relations impact on youngters academic attainment?
- What is the impact of family life education on youngster’s academic attainment?
- Is there any impacts of family follow up and paying attention to the educational process on its youngsters academic attainment?
- What is the level of school relations on youngster’s academic attainment?
Approach of Study :
As the study aims to understand the role of familial social and economic impacts on youngster’s academic attainment within basic education level in Libyan society, the most suitable approach for it is analytical descriptive approach therough social survey to the sample.
In term of the study population, the nature of the study and its objectives imposed on us the category of population subject of the present study which is represented in female and male students of 3rd grade of preparatory level (9th Grade of Basic Education) at Alhadaba Alkhadra area in Tripoli. Sample of the study that is represented in (389) students was selected by simple random method and the resreacher used a questionnaire form for study data collection.
Results of Study:
First : Results Related to Sample characteristics :
- Most of sample population is falling within the age category of (14-15) years representing a percentage of 82.4%.
- The number of most of the sample population family members is (5-7) members representing a percentage of 59.7%.
- 32.1 % of the sample population fathers with university education while 30.8 of their mothers with intermediate level of education.
- Most of the target group fathers are working in governmental sector representing a percentage of 53.7% while 6o.5% of the terget group mothers are housewives .
- 48.2% of the sample population families income is (700) Dinar and over.
Second : Results Related to Fundemental Variables Correlations Concerning Sample Population characteristics With Academic Attainment :
- There is statistical significant correlation between fathers level of education and failing with P - value (0.05) as the highest percentage of fails is found among male students with a percentage of (29.2%) against (20.0%) for female students . While there is no statistical significant correlation related to gender . presence of supplements from previous year and evaluation of last year .
- There is statistical significant correlation between fathers level of education and failing with P-value of (0.00) as the highest percentage of fails is (50.0%) for those with literate fathers , the existance of supplements from previous year with P- value of (0.00) as the highest percentage is (55.6%) for those whose fathers with less tham intermediate level of education and the evaluation within last year with P-value of (0.00) as the percentage of those who achieved excellent grade (36.1%) for those whose fathers with university qualifications .
- There is statistical significant correlation between mothers level of education and failing with P-value of (0.00) as the highest percentage of fails is ( 51.9%) for those whose mothers are illiterate , presence of supplements from previous year with P-value of (0.00) as the percentage of those who achieved excellent grade is (16.2%) for those whose mothers with postgraduate qualifications .
- There is statistical significant correlation between fathers nature of work and fails with P-value of (0.05) as the highest percentage of fails is (38.5%) for those whose fathers are craftsmen while there is no statistical significant correlation between fathers field of employment , presence of supplements from previous year and evaluation of last year .
- There is statistical significant correlation between family monthly income and failing with P-value of (0.05) as the highest percentage of fails is (60.0%) for those whose families income is less than (400 Dinar ) , presence of supplements from previous year with P-value of (0.00) as the highest percentage is (60.0%) for those whose families income is less than (400) Dinar , evaluation of last year with P-value of (0.00) as the percentage of those who achieved excellent grade is (26.8%) for those whose families income is more than (700) Dinar .
Third: Results Related To Family Economic Status & Its Relation With Youngsters Academic Attainment:
- Most of target group are living in houses owned by representing a percentage of 92.4% and 71.3% of them are living in houses that have (4-6) rooms , 54.7% of them has independt rooms and 54.5% of them are suffering from frequent cuts in power supply .
- There is no statistical significant correlation between the impact of residence on academic attainment and previous fails, presence of supplements from previous year while statistical significant correlation is found between impact of residence on academic attainment , and evaluation within last year with P-value of (0.02) as the percentage of those who obtained excellent grade is (24.0%) for those that their residential status do not impact their academic attainment.
Fourth: Results Related to Family Social Status & Its Relation With Youngsters Academic Attainment:
- There is no statistical significant correlation between parents separation and previous fails, presence of supplements from previous year while statistical significant correlation is found between parents separation and evaluation from last year with P-value of (0.01) as the percentage of those who obtained excellent grade among stable families youngsters is (26.9) .
- There is statistical significant correlation between parents feelings of harmony and understanding and previous fails with P-value of (0.01) as the highest percentage of fails is (39.5) among those whose parents lacking understanding and the presence of supplements from previous year with P-value of (0.01) as the highest percentage is (43.4%) among those whose parents are lacking understanding and the evaluation from last year with P-value of (0.00) as the percentage of those who obtained excellent grade is (24.1%) among students whose parents are with understanding relation .
Fifth : Results Related To Educational Styles Adopted By Family & Their Relation With Youngsters Academic Attainment :
- 81.3% of sample population are warned by their parents in order to not to repeat mistakes when they violate their instructions , 56.1% of sample population are questioned by their fathers for reasons of delay through asking their mothers , 58.5% are alowed by their fathers to watch TV after finishing their homework , 62.4% of sample population parents schedule their play and hobbies time , 90.3% of target population parents use advice , guidance and persuasion methods while 62.0% of target population parents force them to go to sleep early .
- There is statistical significant correlation between parents utilization to advice , guidance methods and previous fails with P-value of (0.01) as the highest percentage of fails is (43.2%) among those whose parents do not utilize advice and guidance methods with them and pecense of previous supplements with P- value of (0.02) as the highest percentage reached (45.9%) among those whose parents do not utilize advice and guidance methods with them and the evaluation within last year with P-value of (0.01) as the percentage of those who obtained exceelent grade reached (22.7%) among those whose parents utilize advice and guidance methods .
Sixth: Results Related to Family Follow Up to Educational Process & Its Relation with Youngsters Acasemic Attainment:
- There is statistical significant correlation between parents providing assistance to their youngsters in memorizing and reviewing their lessons and previous fails with P-value of (0.02) as the highest percentage of fails is (33.9%) among those whose parents do not provide assistance in memorizing and reviewing their lessons while there is statistical significant correlation among those whose parents provide assistance in memorizing and reviewing their lessons and the presence of previous supplements , a statistical significant correlation is found between parents providing assistance to their youngsters in memorizing and reviewing their lessons and the evaluation of last year with P-value of (0.03) as the percentage of those who obtained excellent grade is (23.9%) among those who receive assistance from their parents in memorizing and reviewing their lessons .
- There is statistical significant correlation between parents follow up to their children with school and fails with P-value of (0.04) as the highest percentage of fails reached (35.8%) among those whose parents do not follow up with school and the presence of supplements from previous year with P- value of (0.04) s the highest percentage is (38.8%) among those who are followed up by their parents while there is no statistical significant correlation found between parents follow up to their children with school and the evaluation of last year .
- There is statistical significant correlation between parents encourgement to their children when they achieve high grades and previous fails with P-value of (0.04) the highest percentage of fails reached (45.0%) among those who are not encourged by their parents and the presence of supplements from previous year with P-value of (0.03) as the highest percentage is (50.0%) among those who are not encourged by their parents and the evaluation of last year with P-value of (0.04) as the percentage of those who obtained excellent grade reached (21.7%) among those who are encourged by their parents .
Seventh : Results Related to Target Population School Relations & Their Relation with Academic Attainment :
- Most of target population study with their brothers and sisters representing a percentage of 58.1% and 73.2% organize their study and review to their lessons from the beginning of academic semester , 84.2% participate in classromm discussions , 36.9% participate in school activities according and due to their tendencies and preference , 57.5% discuss the reaons behind being absent from school with their parents , 41.3% speak to socioligists within school in case of experiencing any harassment from their colleagues at school , 77.3% are encourged by their parents when they bring their colleagues home for studying and reviewing their lessons togather , 64.7% sit with their parents and asked questions about reasons behind their colleagues visits and 41.3% possess relations that are not good with school administration because their complains are not heard .
- There is statistical significant correlation between exsposure to harassment by colleagues within school and previous fails and the presence of supplements from last year while is statistical significant correlation is found between exposure to harassment by colleagues within school and evaluation of last year with P-value of (0.01) as the percentage of those who obtained excellent grade is (24.7%) among those who are not exposed to harassment by colleagues within school .
- There is statistical significant correlation between being subjected to punishment by teachers within school and fail with P-value of (0.04) as the highest percentage of fail reached (31.1%) among those who are subjected to punishment by teachers within school and the presence of supplements from previous years with P-value of (0.04) as the highest percentage reached (34.1%) among those who are subjected to punishment by teachers within school and evaluation of last year with P-value of (0.05) as the percentage of those who obtained excellent grade reached ( 24.5%) among those who are not subjected to punishment by teachers within school .
- There is no statistical significant correlation between the size of family and previous fail while there is statistical significant correlation between the size of family and presence of supplements from previous year and evaluation of last year.
- There is statistical significant correlation between parent’s level of education and previous fail and presence of supplements from previous year and evaluation of last year.
- There is statistical significant correlation between father’s field of employment and previous fail while there is no correlation between father’s field of employment and presence of supplements from previous year and evaluation of last year.
- There is statistical significant correlation between mother’s field of employment and previous fail and presence of supplements from previous year and evaluation of last year.
- There is statistical significant correlation between family monthly income and previous fail and presence of supplements from previous year and evaluation of last year.
- There is statistical significant correlation between family follow up to its children in school and previous fail and presence of supplements from previous year while there is correlation between family follow up to its youngsters in school and evaluation of last year.
- There is statistical significant correlation between parents encourgment to their children, previous fail and presence of supplements from previous year and evaluation of last year.
- There is no statistical significant correlation between parents attending to Parents Counicl at school, previous fail and presence of supplements from previous year and evaluation of last year.
- There is no statistical significant correlation between exposure to harassment by colleagues within school and the quality of relations with teachers within school, previous fail and presence of aupplements from previous year while there is statistical significant correlation found between exposure to harrasment by colleagues and quality of relations with teachers within school and evaluation of last year.