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The Relationship Between Khat Consumption Cathaedulis Forsk And Outcomes Of Pregnancy In Hodeidah Governorate-Yemen =
AL-Sharabi, Bushra Anaam Ahmad.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Bushra Anaam Ahmad AL-Sharabi
مشرف / Seham Soliman Raghab
مشرف / Wafaa Abed El-Hamed Rashad
مناقش / Manal Hassan Ahmad
مناقش / Nevertity Hassan Zaki
Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
67 p. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 103


Khat (Catha Edulis) is a widespread habit that has a deep rooted socio-cultural tradition in the Horn of Africa and southwestern of Arabian Peninsula including Yemen which causes many health, social and economic problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) played an important role in encouraging and funding scientific studies designed to understand the active constituents of khat and the health problems associated with its use especially during pregnancy. The majority of these studies whether conducted on animals or humans focused on health effects caused by khat consumption during pregnancy yet, data about its effects on the outcome of pregnancy are insufficient. Therefore the present study was undertaken in order to contribute to the fulfilling this gap.
To fulfill the study aim:
A prospective correlational research design was followed and the study was conducted in the year 2014 starting from the beginning of August till the end of December. A convenient sample of 160 parturient in spontaneous labor was selected among women hospitalized in the labor and delivery unit affiliated to El-Thawora General Hospital-Hodeidah-Republic of Yemen.
Study tools:
Four tools were used to collect the necessary data. Three tools were specially designed and validated by the researcher and the fourth was the partograph. The first tool was a structured interview schedule which intended to collect data about the pregnant women’s socio-demographic data and clinical characteristics. It included two parts. Part I, included questions related to the socio-demographic characteristics of the sample such as age, level of education, occupation, husbands’ level of education and occupation, residence, type and size of the family, crowding index, and family income. Part II, included questions related to clinical characteristics of the study subjects such as number and place of antenatal visits during current pregnancy and the period of gestation.
The second tool was related to the pattern of khat consumption such as age of start, frequency of use, amount used, and duration of use. The third tool was the partograph which measures the progress of labor.
The fourth tool was a specially developed checklist intended to assess pregnancy outcome. It included two sections. The first section focused on maternal condition such as occurrence of maternal distress, mode of rupture of membranes, time of rupture of membranes, type of delivery, duration of each stage of labor, and occurrence of complications during labor. The second section was concerned with fetal and newborn condition such as fetal presentation and position, presence of fetal distress, Apgar score at one and five minutes, need for resuscitation and oxygen administration, meconium aspiration and presence of caput succedaneum, and measurements such as birth weight, length as well as head and chest circumferences.
Each member of the study sample was interviewed individually once during the first stage of labor by using tool I & II then during delivery and birth using tool III and IV. After the completion of data collection, data were fed into the computer for tabulation and analysis.