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Applied Anatomical Studies On The Pelvts Of The Barki Male Goat =
Seif, Manal Amir.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / منال أمير سيف
مشرف / أشرف عبد العزيز قرقورة
مشرف / رأفت محمد البقرى
مشرف / محمد الصافى محمد الصافى
مناقش / طارق عمر المهدى
مناقش / سمير أحمد عوض الجندى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
92 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الطب البيطرى - التشريح
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The bony pelvis, is consisted of the sacrum, oss coxae and the first three caudal vertebrae and the sacrotuberous ligament which extend from the sacrum to the ischiatic tuberosity. The external pelvic measurements were the inter tuber coxal diameter that is the distance between lateral border of both tuber coxae, the lateral inter- tuber ischii which measured from both lateral tuberosity of the ischiatic tuberosities, the medial inter-tuber ischii that is the distance between both medial tuberosity of the ischiatic tuberosities and the rump length which measured by the anterior border of tuber coxae and the caudal tuberosity of the ischiatic tuberosity. The dorsal pelvic wall formed by the sacrum and the first caudal vertebra, the ventral one formed by os ischii and os pubis and the lateral wall consisted by part of os ilium, the sacrosciatic ligament and the semimembranosus muscle. The pelvic inlet formed by the sacral promontory, the ilio pectineal line and the cranial border of the os pubis, while the pelvic outlet consist of first caudal vertebra dorsally, caudal border of sacrosciatic ligament laterally and the ischial arch ventrally. The internal pelvic measurements obtained on the skeleton of the goat and included the diameter conjugate that measured from the sacral promontory to the cranial end of the pelvic symphysis, the diameter verticalis which measured from the distance of the cranial end of the pelvic symphysis to the sacrum, the diameter transversa that measured from the greatest width of the pelvis, while the pelvic axis which measured the distance from the pelvic inlet to the pelvic outlet, between both the verticalis line and the conjugata line there is an angle that represent the inclinatio pelvis line. The pelvis covered externally by the skin, superficial and deep fascia and the muscles that include the tensor fasciae lata muscle, the gluteal group of muscles which include, gluteus superficialis muscle, gluteus medius muscle, gluteus accessory muscle, gluteus profundus muscle, the gluteus superficialis connected with the biceps muscle forming the gluteobiceps and the inner pelvic muscles consist of the obturatorius internus muscle, obturatorius externus, gamellus and the articularis coxae muscles. The peritoneum covers most area of the pelvis, but not reach to the pelvic outlet and it reflected forming the usual pouches inside the pelvis that includes the rectogential pouch, vesicogenital pouch and the pubovesical pouch. The rectum extended through the pelvic inlet till the level of the 3rd caudal vertebra forming the ampulla recti and then continued by the anal canal which opens externally by the anal opening which surrounded externally by both internus and externus sphincter muscles. The buck’s glandulae genitales accessoriae include the paired ampulla of the ductus deferens, the paired glandulae vesiculares, the disseminated part of the prostate, the paired glandulae bulbourethrales. Palpation through the anal canal can be easily done to reach to the prostate gland which far about 5 cm from anal opening, also the bulbourethral gland present directly back to the anal opening so, it’s easy to palpate it. The urethral process during protrusion reach about 4 cm out of the penis, so it’s become easy to be removed or cut when urine retention occur. Vesica urinaria is a pear- in shape, consisted of three parts, the apex, the body and the neck. The buck urethra consist of pelvic and penile parts. \The aorta abdominalis gave both arteria iliaca interna and arteria iliaca externa on both pelvic sides. The artery iliaca interna gave the artery umbilicalis which ends as the Ligamentum teres vesicae, the artery iliolumbalis, the artery prostatica which gave branches to the rectum, caudal vesical, glandulae vesicularis, the prostatic, the urethral branch and the artery glutea cranialis, then the artery iliaca interna ends by the two terminal branches (the artery glutea caudalis and the artery pudenda interna). The nerve of the pelvis involve the nerve obturatorius, the truncus lumbosacralis, the nerve glutea cranialis, the nerve glutea caudalis and the nerve cutaneous femoris caudalis and they all were originated from the plexus lumbosacralis. The nerve pudendus and the nerve rectales caudalis were originated from the plexus sacralis. The fascia perinei formed from fascia perinei superficialis and the fascia perinei profunda. The perineal region muscles divided into anal and urogenital groups. The anal group consisted of the muscle sphincter ani internus, muscle sphincter ani externus and muscle recto coccygeus, while the urogenital group consisted of the muscle bulbospongiosus, muscle ischiocavernosus, muscle ischiourethralis and the retractor penis muscle. The pelvic diaphragm was consisted of the muscle coccygeus and the muscle levator ani. The nerve pudendus can be blocked either on the pelvic cavity or when it crosses the ischial arch. The epidural analgesia can be done by inserting the needle carefully on the lumbosacral space, to avoid reaching to the spinal cord, The microscopic examination of the male glandulae genitales accessoriae shows the normal healthy clinical histological structures of this glands. The computed tomography illustrated the anatomical structures of the pelvis and compared with the taken cross sectional images to help in identification of the abnormalities that may occur.