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فاعلية استخدام كلٍ من التعلُم القائم على الدماغ ودورة التقصى الثنائية فى تدريس العلوم في تنمية بعض العادات العقلية والتفكير
الناقد لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإعدادية /
على، رمضان محمد عبد الحليم.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رمضان محمد عبد الحليم على
مشرف / محمد حماد هندى
مشرف / عماد الدين عبدالمجيد الوسيمي
مناقش / امال ربيع كامل
مشرف / السيد شحاته
التعليم الإعدادى - مصر.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
505 ص. :
المناهج وطرق تدريس العلوم
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية التربية - المناهج وطرق التدريس وتكنولوجيا التعليم
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 522

from 522


Currently, world goes through a host of technical innovations and subsequent changes that exert much effect upon the educational system. In turn, such innovations and changes necessitate that the educators must regard the educational process as ever developing process; in order that this process becomes able to keep pace with the necessary educational needs with the aim of enabling the individual to adjust to his environment and all its subsequent changes.
It seems that the adaption to such innovations necessitates learning novel habits and skills; not to mention utilizing teaching strategies that are concerned with training teachers in habits and scientific skills that enable those teachers to persistently seek to obtain knowledge from various sources whenever they feel such knowledge is of much significance for them.
Problem and questions of the research
In the light of the education reality generally and the science reality especially, it becomes clear education takes place in an environment contrary to the brain (Nadia Al-Salty, 2004; p.124). In addition the educational outputs are restricted to the knowledge which will be forgot after exams with short periods; not to mention there is no care about the thinking skills generally (Artino, 2007,p.5). in the light of findings of the related literature and previous research, it becomes clear the traditional methods followed in teaching may hinder the desired habits of mind and the critical thinking skills in the learners. Many studies indicated that teaching science in the basic stage uses the traditional method that depends upon lecturing on the part of teacher and the passive reception of knowledge on the part of the learner. As a matter of fact, this contradicts with the modern directions that confirm the learner’s effectiveness in the educational process as well as submitting effective teaching strategies for meaningful learning( Hassan Zeitown, Kamal Zeitown, 2003) (Shereen Al-Sayed et al., 2012; Amany Al-MouJy, 2013).
For overcoming this problem, the current research attempts to provide much care for the science subject and to develop some habits of mind as well as some critical thinking skills in prep three students using tow modern learning models, one of them depends on the brain based learning theory and is deemed a brain oriented teaching model for Hardiman and the other one depends upon the constructivism and is called the coupled inquiry cycle.
For contributing in solving the problem,, the research attempts to answer the following question:
What is the effectiveness of using brain based learning and coupled Inquiry cycle in teaching science for developing some habits of mind and critical thinking of prep three students?
Off the main question branch the following ones:
1. What is the effectiveness of using brain based learning in teaching science for developing some habits of mind of prep three students?
2. What is the effectiveness of using brain based learning in teaching science for developing critical thinking of prep three students?
3. What is the effectiveness of using coupled Inquiry cycle in teaching science for developing some habits of mind of prep three students?
4. What is the effectiveness of using coupled Inquiry cycle in teaching science for developing critical thinking of prep three students?
Significance of the research
The following research derives its significance from being a trial to benefit from two teaching models emerging from two significant theories of learning theories which are brain based learning and the constructivism. The research significance lies in the following:
- This research is deemed an objective response for what the educators currently call regarding reconsideration, reorganization and providing curricula with new teaching methods that stress the interaction amongst the teacher and the learners in the educational situations.
- It is a response for the directions that call for learning for developing habits of mind.
- It directs the curricula planners’ point of view towards giving much care for developing habits of mind and the critical thinking in lieu of developing memorization and keeping information.
- It helps the science teacher through developing their teaching methods in the science subject; in a way that helps to activate the learner’s thinking , pushing the learner to participate positively in the learning process and making the science theory more positive
- Helping the science teachers prepare some science subject lessons in a new and a useful way according to brain based learning and the coupled inquiry cycle and prepare some instruments (tests and scales) which are of much benefit for people working in this field.
Objectives of the research
The current research sought the following:
1- Identifying the effectiveness of using brain based learning for developing some habits of mind of prep three students.
2- Identifying the effectiveness of using brain based learning in teaching science for developing critical thinking of prep three students.
3- Identifying the effectiveness of using coupled Inquiry cycle in teaching science for developing some habits of mind of prep three students.
4- Identifying the effectiveness of using coupled Inquiry cycle in teaching science for developing critical thinking of prep three students.
Hypotheses of the research
In the light of the aforementioned research questions, the current research tried to make sure of the following hypotheses:
1- There is a statistically significant difference in mean scores of the first experimental group students (that were taught using the brain based learning) and the control group students (that were taught using the traditional teaching method) in the post administration of the habits of the mind scale in favor of the first experimental group.
2- There is a statistically significant difference in mean scores of the first experimental group students (that were taught using the brain based learning) and the control group students (that were taught using the traditional teaching method) in the post administration of the critical thinking test in favor of the first experimental group.
3- There is a statistically significant difference in mean scores of the second experimental group students (that were taught using the coupled inquiry cycle) and the control group students (that were taught using the traditional teaching method) in the post administration of the habits of the mind scale in favor of the second experimental group.
4- There is a statistically significant difference in mean scores of the second experimental group students (that were taught using the coupled inquiry cycle) and the control group students (that were taught using the traditional teaching method) in the post administration of the critical thinking test in favor of the second experimental group.
5- There is no a statistically significant difference in mean scores of the first and second experimental group students in the post administration of the habits of mind scale.
6- There is no a statistically significant difference in mean scores of the first and second experimental group students in the post administration of the critical thinking test.
Delimitations of the research
The current research is restricted by the following limitations:
1. Topics of the unit entitled ” the chemical interactions”: science syllabus of the prep three in the academic year 2012-2013’s.
2. Selecting the experimental group randomly whose number reached 120 students from the prep three students whose number reached 158 students). The experimental group members were divided randomly into three groups as follows:
- The first experimental group: it was comprised of 36 students in Mazoura prep school for boys and taught the unit in question using brain based learning.
- The second experimental group: it was comprised of 36 students in Mazoura prep school for boys and taught the unit in question using the coupled inquiry cycle.
- A control group: it was comprised of 36 students in Mazoura prep school for boys and taught the unit in question using the traditional teaching method.
Putting into consideration that the student who didn’t continue in the administration stage were excluded and in turn didn’t complete interacting with the research instruments during the research procedures. Consequently, analysis and interpretation of the research findings were carried out in the light of 36 students in the first experimental group, 36 students in the second experimental group and 36 students in the control group.
3. Administering the current research in the second semester of the academic year 2015-2016’s. moreover the research has taken approximately 8 weeks starting from 14-2-2016’s till 28-3-2016’s with 4 classes weekly ( two periods weekly).
4. Using the brain based learning and coupled inquiry cycle in teaching the unit entitled ” the chemical interactions” for the prep three students as independent variables of the research.
5. Measuring development of some habits of mind (such as questioning and posting problems – applying the prior knowledge in new situations as well as the reciprocal thinking) as well as some critical thinking skills (such as deduction – interpretation and discussion evaluation) as dependent variables.
Instruments of the research and the experimental treatment
The research instruments are as follows:
1. Measurement Instruments:
A. Habits of mind scale in three dimensions(questioning and posting problems – applying the prior knowledge in new situations as well as the reciprocal thinking).
B. Critical thinking skill test in three dimensions(deduction – interpretation and discussion evaluation).
2. Teaching and learning Instruments:
3. Two books for students’ activities including students’ worksheets during learning topics of the unit, one of them was prepared according to the brain based learning and the other one. was prepared according to the coupled inquiry cycle.
4. Two teacher’s guide for teaching the set unit, one of them was prepared according to the brain based learning and the other one was prepared according to the coupled inquiry cycle.
Variables of the research
The research variables are as follows:
1- The independent variables are as follows :
- Teaching using the brain based learning for the first experimental group.
- Teaching using the coupled inquiry cycle for the second experimental group.
2- The dependent variables are as follows:
- Developing some habits of mind in the prep three students in science subject.
- Developing some critical thinking skills in the prep three students in science subject.
Approach of the research
The research depended on using the following:
1- The analytic descriptive approach for revising the previous literature and studies; for benefitting from it in writing theoretical framework of the research and preparing the unit lessons in question using the brain based learning and the coupled inquiry cycle.
2- The quasi experimental approach for indicating effect of the independent variables on the dependent variables in prep three students according to the experimental design of the three groups with the pre-post measurement of the research variables as follows:
A. Pre-administration of the measurement instruments.
B. Post – administration of the measurement instruments.
C. First experimental treatment (teaching using the brain based learning).
D. Second experimental treatment(teaching using the coupled inquiry cycle).
E. Teaching using the traditional teaching method.
Findings of the research
Findings of the current research indicated effectiveness of the brain based learning and the coupled inquiry cycle in developing some habits of mind and some critical thinking skills; due to the fact that the findings indicated that the two experimental group surpassed the control group; where the two experimental groups and the one control group were equivalent before administration of the experiment.
The post – administration findings for the habits of mind scale the and the critical thinking test were as follows:
1- There is a statistically significant difference in mean scores of the first experimental group students and the control group students in the habits of the mind scale in favor of the first experimental group.
2- There is a statistically significant difference in mean scores of the first experimental group students and the control group students in the critical thinking test in favor of the first experimental group.
3- The difference between the first experimental group and the control group in the post-administration of habits of mind scale and the critical thinking test was attributed to the used teaching method which was the brain based learning.
4- There is a statistically significant difference in mean scores of the second experimental group students and the control group students in the post administration of the habits of the mind scale in favor of the second experimental group.
5- There is a statistically significant difference in mean scores of the second experimental group and the control group in the post administration of the critical thinking test in favor of the second experimental group.
6- The difference between the first experimental group and the control group in the post-administration of habits of mind scale and the critical thinking test was attributed to the used teaching method which was the coupled inquiry cycle.
Recommendations of the Research
In the light of the research findings, the following recommendations and suggestions:
- Necessity for inclusion of the critical thinking skills and the habits of mind in the curricula generally and in the science subject specifically.
- Caring about exposing the learner to some life problems with relation to his study; in order to be able to transfer his knowledge to the external environment in a way that helps him feel importance of his knowledge; and in turn the learner will increase his use of habits of mind and the critical thinking skills he possesses.
- Developing the science curricula according to the coupled inquiry cycle and training teachers thereon, necessity providing the teachers’ guides that prepare the lessons in a way that is appropriate for that model with the aim that the teachers will be aware of that model and methods of applying thereof optimally.
- Reformulation of the science curriculum content in the prep stage in a way that curriculum content includes the inquiry activities that focuses on the learner’s role in the learning process through inquiry, discovery, experimentation and research processes.
- Developing science teachers’ preparation programs in the faculties of education in a way that includes various approaches and strategies in teaching science, such as brain based learning and inquiry based learning.
- Encouraging the science teachers to use principles of brain based learning inside their classrooms as well as the instructional activities that develop two brain hemispheres.
- Training the teachers on various assessment methods that aren’t restricted to the knowledge and achievement aspects but extend to measuring the critical thinking skills and habits of mind in the learners; in order to categorize them at the beginning of the academic year; and in turn to determine the most appropriate instructional methods, pathways and strategies that are incommensurate with their mental abilities.
- Conducting trainings for science teachers and supervisors in the prep stage on methods of using and applying the coupled inquiry cycle model as well as the brain based learning in planning and conducing the science lessons in a way that encourages learners to think and develop their various skills and abilities; so that those learners will be able to develop some critical thinking skills and the desired habits of mind.
- Supplying the school labs with instruments, materials and the equipment in a way that is appropriate for enabling learners to do their scientific and lab activities; in a way that helps those learners to develop their habits of mind and the critical thinking skills.
Suggestions of the Research
In the light of the research objectives and finding, it is possible to suggest some future research in the science education field as follows:
- Conducting research handling other teaching methods and pathways that may have considerable contributions in developing habits of mind and the critical thinking skills in the prep stage students and in all educational stages, such as meta-cognition strategies, multi-intelligence strategies and cooperative learning strategies…..etc.
- Studying effect of using the brain based learning models on other variables such as the life skills, divergent thinking skills and reflective thinking skills…………..etc.
- Effect of using the Jensen’s model in brain based learning and the inductive thinking skills…………….etc.
- Effect of using the coupled inquiry cycle model on other variables, attitudes of students towards the science subject, achievement motivation, life skills, divergent thinking skills, reflective thinking skills, inductive thinking skills and habits of mind which aren’t handled by the research………….etc.
- A comparative study amongst the effectiveness of using the brain based teaching methods and other methods of constructivism with regard to the effect on some dependent variables.
- A diagnostic study for deficiency sides that hinder developing the critical thinking skills and habits of mind in the prep stage students in a way that contributes effectively in drawing a proposal for overcoming