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”الميزة التنافسية في المدارس الدولية وإمكانية الإفادة منها في تطوير المدارس الابتدائية الحكومية بمصر”/
سلامة،محمود محمد السيد محمد
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمود محمد السيد
مشرف / نادية يوسف
مشرف / فاطمة على
مناقش / حنان اسماعيل
مناقش / سامى نصار
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
أصول التربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات - اصول التربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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مستخلص الدراسة
هدفت الدراسة إلي تعرف الأسس النظرية للميزة التنافسية في مجال التعليم، وتحديد مجالاتها في المدارس الدولية، والوقوف على واقع تنافسية المدارس الابتدائية المصرية من خلال التقارير الدولية والمحلية المختلفة، والتعرف على معوقات تحقيق الميزة التنافسية في المدارس الابتدائية الحكومية بمصر، وتقديم مقترحات إجرائية للاستفادة من تجربة المدارس الدولية في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية للمدارس الابتدائية الحكومية بمصر، واستخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي، كما استعانت باستطلاع رأي الخبراء من أجل تحقيق أهدافها.
وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج، أهمها:
• تمتلك المدارس الدولية مجموعة من المقومات والعوامل التي ساعدتها على تحقيق ميزة تنافسية وتقديم خدمة تعليمية جيدة تضمن كفاءة الخريجين وترتقي لمستوى طموح أولياء الأمور، ويتمثل ذلك في المجالات التالية:جودة المنهج، كفاءة المعلمين، مرونة الإدارة، وضمان الجودة والاعتماد.
• أظهرت التقارير الدولية أن التعليم الابتدائي المصري يعاني من مشكلات عديدة منها: ضعف جودة التعليم الابتدائي، انخفاض جودة تعليم العلوم والرياضيات، تدني مستوى الدخول إلى الإنترنت في المدارس، تزايد معدل التسرب من التعليم الابتدائي، ضعف معدلات الإنفاق على التعليم، ضعف مستوى الرضا عن جودة التعليم، وارتفاع معدل التلاميذ إلى المعلمين.
• يوجد عدد من المعوقات التي تمنع المدارس الابتدائية الحكومية بمصر من تحقيق ميزة تنافسية من بينها:معوقات مادية مالية، سوء البنية التنظيمية، تدني جودة الخدمة التعليمية، ومعوقات تتعلق بالمشاركة المجتمعية.
• ضرورة إطلاع مديري المدارس الابتدائية الحكومية بمصر على الأساليب الإدارية المتبعة في إدارة المدارس الدولية من أجل تطبيقه على ضوء الإمكانات المتاحة وتحسين مستوى العمليات الإدارية في مدارسهم.
• أهمية نشر ثقافة التنافسية بين العاملين في المدارس الابتدائية الحكومية من أجل فهم الواقع والعمل على تحسينه.
• أهمية إلزام المدارس بمراجعة موقفها من الاعتماد في حالة عدم اعتمادها لأن ذلك قد يخلق دافعًا مستمرًا لدراسة الوضع الحالي للمدارس ومحاولة تحسينه للحصول على الاعتماد.
• أهمية تنمية المهارات الحياتية للتلاميذ من خلال محاكاة الواقع، وليس من خلال الأساليب التقليدية.
• ضرورة تنفيذ برامج علاجية للتلاميذ منخفضي التحصيل واستخدام طرق تدريس تتناسب مع قدراتهم لضمان مستوى تعليمي قريب من أقرانهم.
• ضرورة تشجيع التلاميذ على تقبل الاختلاف واحترام الآخر، وهو أحد قيم المواطنةمحليًا ودوليًا.
• أهمية تحديث الوسائل التكنولوجية في الفصول الدراسية باستمرار، نظرًا لدور التكنولوجيا من الكبير في زيادة تفاعل التلاميذ مع المادة التعليمية المعروضة داخل الفصل الدراسي، وتعزيز التعلم الذاتي.
• التوسع في الاعتماد على مصادر المعرفة الإلكترونية في تقديم المحتوى التعليمي، حيث تؤكد الاتجاهات العالمية المعاصرة على أهمية التعليم الإلكتروني والتوسع فيه.
• تقليل تدخل العنصر البشري في تصحيح الاختبارات بما يضمن عدم خضوع درجات الطلاب أو تقديراتهم لميول المعلمين في تقبل إجاباتهم أو رفضها.
وقد طرحت الدراسةمجموعة من المقترحات الإجرائية الواجب تنفيذها لتطوير المدارس الابتدائية الحكومية بمصر بما يحقق لها الميزة التنافسية، ومن أهمها:
• مقترحات تتعلق بالموارد المادية والمالية.
• مقترحات تتعلق بتحسين البنية التنظيمية في المدارس الابتدائية وتحقيق كفاءة الموارد البشرية.
• مقترحات تتعلق بجودة الخدمة التعليمية.
• مقترحات تتعلق بتحسين البنية التكنولوجية.
• مقترحات تتعلق بتحسين التشريعات الخاصة بالتعليم الابتدائي.
كلمات مفتاحية: ميزة تنافسية، مدارس دولية، مدارس ابتدائية مصرية، تقارير دولية
Focus on competitiveness and quality is increasing because of increasing interest in international classifications of educational systems and arranging them according to specific criteria and indicators, and the issuance of a number of international organizations for annual reports that compare education systems in most countries of the world in terms of availability, quality and benefit. That interest can be noticed clearly in the efforts of Arab and international organizations such as: UNESCO, ALECSO, and the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States, in order to reform education, improve its quality and competitive capacity to reach a high degree of efficiency, continuous development and improvement of performance, and achieve a high rate of investment in Education of individuals, which necessarily leads to improve their living standard.
Achieving a competitive advantage in educational institutions requires identifying all the related problems and defining them accurately. It also requires attention to human resources that are the real wealth of any country and the re-examination of institutions’ plans and programs regarding continuous technological development. If international schools are able to continuously grow and expand for attracting students, and make parents aim at a better level of education for their children, this means they have a competitive advantage represented in its educational service that enables them to graduate competitive generations in the local and international labor market, which is a need in the Egyptian governmental primary schools.
It is worth noting that international reports showed that the Egyptian primary education is going through a bad situation that doesn’t keep up with the level of competition and is not in line with the level of ambition in the Egyptian development plans.
Study Problem:
The problem of the study was determined by the fact that primary education in Egypt suffers from a lack of competitive advantage because of a set of obstacles that prevent improving performance in the light of national and international standards; which increases Egypt’s delay from other countries in:
• Having a good and comprehensive primary education is the cornerstone of the next stages of education.
• Educating a generation capable of innovation and competition in all fields of science.
• Keeping pace with technological and cognitive developments, this is due to the low level of the Egyptian primary schools educational outcome. These failures are surely moving from an educational stage to the higher stages of education.
Study objectives and questions:
The objectives of the study were to answer the following main question:
How to develop the Egyptian governmental primary schools to achieve competitive advantage in the light of what the international schools have achieved?
The following sub-questions arise from this question:
1. What are the theoretical Foundations of competitive advantage in education?
2. What are the areas of competitive advantage in international schools?
3. What is the reality of competitive advantage in the Egyptian governmental primary schools according to international reports?
4. What are the obstacles to achieving competitive advantage in the Egyptian governmental primary schools?
5. What is the opinion of experts about the possibility of utilizing the international schools’ competitive advantage to develop the Egyptian governmental primary schools?
6. What are the procedural proposals to develop the Egyptian governmental primary schools to achieve competitive advantage in the light of international schools’ achievements?
The study used the descriptive method to analyze the areas of competitive advantage in international schools, and to clarify the reality of the Egyptian primary education through reading and analyzing a number of international reports issued concerning the state of education in the world countries. It then revealed the inadequacies that prevent the Egyptian primary schools from acquiring a competitive advantage.
The researcher used an ”expert survey”, whose number reached 45 experts from the faculties of education, the National Center for Educational Research and Development, the General Office of the Egyptian Ministry of Education and the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation. This was to utilize their experiences to identify ways to achieve and benefit from competitive advantage in governmental primary schools in the light of what the international schools has achieved.
The Study proceeded with the following steps:
1. Step 1: Identify the overall framework for the study, Introduction includes—Study problem—Study Questions—Study importance—Study limits—Study Curriculum—Study Terms—previous Studies—Study steps.
2. Step 2: Define the theoretical framework of the study and include the identification of the theoretical bases of competitive advantage in general, then the transition to the concept of competitive advantage, its indicators, the general bases for its construction and the criteria for quality governance in educational institutions through literature.
3. Step 3: Describe and analyze the characteristics of international schools, the societal factors driving their reception and the areas of competitive advantage in these schools, based on studies and reports concerning the objectives, characteristics and modus operandi of international schools in order to identify ways to achieve the competitive advantage.
4. Step 4: Describe and analyze the reality of the State primary school in Egypt through international studies, reports and official statistics that dealt with this reality in order to identify the obstacles that prevent the achievement of competitive advantage.
5. Step 5: Conduct the field study that included ”expert survey” in the field of education in order to identify the procedural proposals that could help Egypt’s state primary schools to achieve a competitive advantage in the light of what the international schools have achieved from the expert point of view.
6. Step 6: In the light of the previous steps, a series of procedural proposals for the development of Egypt’s state primary schools have been developed to achieve a competitive advantage in the light of what has been achieved in international schools.
Study Results:
The most important findings of the study are as follows:
First: Findings of the theoretical study:
The theoretical findings of the study were as follows:
1. International schools have a range of factors that helped them achieve a competitive advantage and provide a good educational service that ensures graduates’ efficiency and raises the level of parent’s ambition: Quality of curriculum, teacher competence, flexibility of management, quality assurance and accreditation.
2. International reports showed that Egyptian primary education suffers from many problems, including poor quality of primary education, low quality of mathematics and science education, low level of Internet access in schools, increased drop-out rate of primary education, twice the rate of expenditure on education, twice the level of satisfaction with the quality of education, and higher student-teacher ratios.
3. There are a number of obstacles that prevent the Egyptian Governmental Primary Schools from achieving a competitive advantage, including financial obstacles, poor organizational structure, poor quality of educational service, and societal participation constraints
Second: Findings of the field study:
The researcher concluded some findings from the field study as follows:
1. It’s necessary to monitor and identify Egyptian Governmental Primary Schools’ material and financial needs.
2. Periodic renovation and maintenance of the Egyptian Governmental Primary Schools are necessary to meet the engineering and educational requirements.
3. Medical materials for first aid must be available in schools, which is necessary for the safety of pupils in case of injury during the school day.
4. Primary school administrators should be selected according to the competency standards because they have a significant role in ensuring an organized educational environment.
5. There is a need to inform the governmental primary school administrators in Egypt about the administrative methods used in the international schools in order to apply them in the light of their capabilities and to improve the level of administrative operations in their schools.
6. The importance of promoting a culture of competitiveness among government primary school workers in order to understand and improve reality.
7. The importance of obligating schools to review their situation of accreditation if they are not accredited, as this may create a continuous motivation to study the current situation of schools and to try to improve it to obtain accreditation.
8. The need to require all teachers and administrators in school to submit a self-assessment report at the end of each class as this may enhance confidence between teachers and school management and allow for greater transparency with regard to performance reports.
9. Reducing teacher quorum from classes can help reduce pressure on teachers during the school day to prepare and deliver lessons using creative strategies.
10. The need to take care of the science, mathematics and technology exhibitions as they play a role in motivating students to innovate and innovate.
11. The importance of developing students’ life skills through simulating reality, not through traditional methods.
12. The need to implement remedial programs for low-attainment students and to use teaching methods that are commensurate with their abilities to ensure an education level close to their peers.
13. The need to encourage pupils to accept difference and respect the other, which is one of the values of citizenship both domestically and internationally.
14. The importance of constantly updating technology in the classroom, given the significant role that technology plays in increasing student interaction with educational material presented within the classroom and promoting self-learning.
15. Greater reliance on e-learning resources in the delivery of educational content, where contemporary global trends emphasize the importance of e-learning and its expansion.
16. Reduce human intervention in correcting tests to ensure that students’ grades or ratings do not meet or reject teachers’ inclination to accept their answers.
17. Use e-learning games that challenge students’ thinking and ensure their interaction during explanation.
18. There are a number of obstacles to the achievement of government primary schools with a competitive advantage:
- Scarcity of land for high-density school construction exacerbates the crisis of high season density.
- Poor salaries of teachers, which have problems such as poor performance of teachers in government schools, and their orientation of private lessons. The distinct orientation of them is to work in private and international schools.
- The state of school infrastructure is low.
- Scarcity of a qualified laboratory to conduct scientific experiments within school.
- Poor continuous follow-up of schools.
- Weakness of teachers’ professional development programs in keeping with contemporary technological development.
- Poor efficiency of teachers in applying comprehensive quality standards in education.
- Poor parent culture in collaboration with school management.
- Weak qualified assistance bodies such as specialists, librarians, laboratory technicians and doctors.
- Central management of the educational system in Egypt.
- Bureaucracy in doing business in a way that disrupts the development of the educational process.
- Shortage of teachers in a very large number of Schools.
- Weakness of teachers’ trainings and development programs.
- Scarcity of modern technological means in remote areas, both in schools and in pupils’ homes.
- Weak legislation governing the educational process
- Current regulations and laws do not fit the desired objectives.
The study concluded by proposing a series of procedural proposals that could lead to develop Egypt’s governmental primary schools, which were classified into:
1. Procedural proposals for material and financial resources.
2. Procedural proposals for improving the organizational structure of primary schools and achieving the efficiency of human resources.
3. Procedural proposals regarding the quality of educational service.
4. Procedural proposals for improving the technological infrastructure.
5. Procedural proposals for improving legislation on primary education.