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اثر فاعليات برنامج قائم على التدخل المبكر على التفاعل الاجتماعى لدى عينة من الاطفال ذوى اضطرابات طيف التوحد /
شعبان, شريف محمد محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / شريف محمد شعبان
مشرف / ايهاب رجاء عبد الرؤوف,
مشرف / محمد كامل فتاح.
مناقش / ابراهيم محمد سعد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
222 ص :
علم النفس التربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة مدينة السادات - المكتبة المركزية بالسادات - قسم تقويم الموارد الطبيعية.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 194

from 194


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder
that affects children in early childhood, a disorder that has a comprehensive
impact on all aspects of a child’s mental, social, linguistic, motor and sensory
In this regard, many studies have referred to autism spectrum disorder as a
social disability, as a consequence of which the child suffers from a clear
deficiency in the level of his social development. It is evident in their social
relationships, and a similar deficiency or deficiency in their verbal and
nonverbal social skills, which affects their withdrawal from various social
situations and interactions. Therefore, this disorder as a social disability is
characterized by deficiencies in: social development, social relationships,
social interaction, communication, and social behaviors.
Therefore, the lack of social communication is the general symptom among
children with autism spectrum disorder, and the most obvious; As a child
with autism spectrum disorder is unable to interact socially and form
relationships with others.
Also, starting intervention services at an early age provides a better
opportunity to prevent negative effects on the child’s abilities in various
fields, as it is beneficial for both the parents and the child, as each of them is
trained to deal and coexist with the other, and early intervention is important
to prevent language delays and to develop abilities. The social aspects of the
child, which are needed by both the child and his family.
Based on the foregoing, the current study sought to verify the
effectiveness of a training program based on early intervention to develop
some social interaction skills for children with autism spectrum disorder.
Study problem
The problem of the study is that there is a deficiency in social interaction
among children with autism disorder, which prompted the researcher to
verify the effectiveness of a training program based on early intervention in
the development of social interaction for children with autism, and from this
point of view crystallizes the problem of the study in the following main
 What is the effectiveness of a training program based on early
intervention in developing social interaction among children with
autism spectrum disorder?
from the main question, a number of the following sub-questions are
- What are the necessary social interaction skills for children with autism
- What is the proposed scenario for using a training program based on
early intervention to develop social interaction for children with autism
- Are there statistically significant differences between the mean scores
of the experimental and control groups on the scale of social interaction
after applying the program in the direction of the experimental group?
- Are there statistically significant differences between the mean scores
of the experimental group in the tribal and remote measurements on the
social interaction scale in the direction of the post measurement?
- Are there statistically significant differences between the mean scores
of the experimental group in the post and follow-up measurements on
the social interaction scale?
 Verifying the effectiveness of the training program based on early
intervention and its impact on developing social interaction among
children with autism spectrum disorder.
 Designing a proposed training program based on early intervention
aimed at developing social interaction for children with autism
 Providing and strengthening children with mild autism spectrum
disorder some social interaction skills that help them improve the
quality of life for them and their families and relieve pressure on them
through what the results of this study may contribute to activating a
form of rehabilitation appropriate for this category, which helps them
to adapt.
The importance of the study
 Providing a training program based on early intervention and its
impact on the development of social interaction among children with
autism spectrum disorder.
 Helping families of children with autism spectrum disorder by
providing a program based on early intervention to develop social
interaction to develop and enhance some social interaction skills for
children with autism disorders.
 The importance of the current study comes from the importance of the
topic it deals with, which is the lack of social interaction skills for
children with autism, and it takes into account the tendencies and
interest of children with autism through various activities such as
coloring, sports, games, and songs, in order to cover the different
tendencies of children with autism.
 The importance of the current study comes as it is one of the important
problems, which is one of the main features of children with autism,
and the consequent development of social interaction skills, which is
reflected in many different aspects of children with autism.
Terminology of study:
The current study adopts a number of terms, which are as follows:
- Effectiveness: It means the ability to achieve the intended result,
according to predetermined criteria (Mustafa Al-Tayeb, 2010: 13). The
researcher defines it procedurally as: The ability of the training program
based on early intervention to achieve the goals for which it was set in
developing social interaction skills for children with autism disorder.
- The training program: It is a planned program organized in the light of
scientific foundations to provide a guidance service to a specific group
included in the study. (Samira Ali Jaafar Abu Ghazaleh, 2001: 229), The
researcher defines it procedurally as: a plan of procedures and training
activities designed with the aim of providing children with autism with
social interaction skills.
- Early Intervention Prog