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Analysis For Various Effects Of External Forces On the Performance Of Two-Phase Biofluid Flow \
Nasr, Ahmed Gamal Shafik.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد جمال شفيق نصر
مشرف / إسلام محمد إبراهيم الدسوقي
مشرف / رمزي محمد عبد الرحمن أبو مندور
مشرف / محمد مجدي أحمد أبو القمصان
Body Fluid Flow. Magnetohydrodynamics. Biological Control Systems. Fluid Mechanics. Biomechanics.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
346 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الهندسة - العلوم الأساسية الهندسية
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This thesis is a detailed exploration aimed at unraveling the complexities of
how fluids move within the intricate biological systems of living organisms. The primary focus revolves around investigating the dynamic behavior of essential fluids as they traverse through the various channels within the body. A critical aspect of this study involves delving into the effects experienced by these vital fluids, with
special attention given to a fascinating driving force known as peristaltic motion. Peristaltic motion refers to the rhythmic undulating movement of elastic walls along channels, and it plays a significant role in propelling fluids through physiological pathways within living organisms. This pulsatile motion has a profound impact on the overall transport dynamics in biological conduits. The comprehensive theoretical
framework presented in this thesis aims to shed light on the intricacies of peristaltic motion, providing a deeper understanding of its multifaceted effects on fluid behavior within the complex network of biological channels.
The significance of peristaltic motion is evident in its crucial role in
transporting various physiological fluids under different circumstances. For instance, it facilitates the movement of urine from the kidneys to the bladder, guides the chyme through the gastrointestinal tract, transports spermatozoa in the male reproductive tract, aids the movement of the ovum in the fallopian tubes, facilitates the swallowing of food through the esophagus, and regulates vasomotion in small blood vessels. Furthermore, the principles of peristaltic pumping have been applied in the design of modern mechanical devices. Examples include the blood pump in
heart-lung machines, which mimic the peristaltic action of the heart, and the
peristaltic transport of hazardous fluids in the nuclear industry. Notably, researchers have undertaken both theoretical and experimental investigations over the years to
comprehend peristalsis in diverse scenarios. The study of different cases involving peristaltic motion has garnered significant attention in recent times, emphasizing the ongoing efforts to deepen our understanding of this phenomenon. Through this thesis, a comprehensive exploration of peristaltic motion is presented, contributing valuable insights that extend our knowledge of fluid dynamics within biological systems. Understanding
how fluids behave when they have tiny particles floating in them is really important in various situations. There are so many things in nature that are like sponges with lots of tiny holes, such as beach sand, rocks, bread, wood, our lungs, and even small blood vessels in our bodies. Sometimes, when things go wrong inside our bodies, like when fat and blood clots build up in our arteries, we can think of them as if they were like a sponge or a material with lots of tiny spaces. Scientists are also curious about how fluids behave when they have a magnetic field around them and when they squeeze and release rhythmically. This squeezing and releasing motion is similar to how our blood moves in our bodies or how machines pump blood. By studying this, researchers can better understand how these processes work and find ways to improve machines that help blood flow in our bodies. This research is particularly important for figuring out how to keep our bodies healthy and
developing better machines for medical purposes. This study is divided into two parts, each exploring the behaviors of fluids in different situations. In the first part, we focus on peristaltic transport, which is how fluids move through a channel by contracting and relaxing. We specifically look at
a common type of fluid called a Newton fluid. To gain insights, we investigate what happens when the fluid either slips against the channel walls or doesn’t slip. The channel serves as the path for the fluid, and we use mathematical methods to analyze and compare the results under these different conditions. In the second part, our focus shifts to a unique kind of fluid known as a NonNewton fluid, specifically a Couple Stress fluid. Here, we study how various factors influence this fluid’s behavior as it flows through a pipe. To make the study more manageable and enhance our understanding of the fluid’s behavior, we use a method
called the long-wavelength approximation. This method simplifies the complex math, making it easier to comprehend and interpret the behavior of the Couple Stress fluid. Overall, our research aims to provide a thorough understanding of how fluids, both typical and non-Newtonian, react under different conditions, offering valuable
insights to the broader field of fluid dynamics. In chapter 1, general introduction concerning the following items is entitled: • Biomechanics
• Biofluid mechanics
• Biomathematics
• Peristaltic Motion
• Magnetohydrodynamics Flow
• Heat transfer
• Porous medium
• Particle-Fluid Suspension
• Chemical reactions
• Endoscopes
• Roughness of the wall
• Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids
• Slip Flow
• Solution techniques In chapter 2, a theoretically investigated the effects of slip, heat, and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) on peristaltic flow using an asymmetrically inclined channel. The flexible channel walls are taken as a sinusoidal wave. The flow has been represented using the continuity, momentum, and energy equations. The
perturbation method is used to solve these nonlinear governing equations
analytically. Expressions for stream function, temperature, and pressure gradient are derived. The impact of the physical parameters is plotted for flow streamlines, fluid axial velocity, and pressure gradient. It is noted that the axial velocity of the fluid
rises as the slipping parameter increases. The pressure gradient increases as the magnetic field increases. In chapter 3, an examination to theoretically assess the impact of
magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), heat transfer, wall slip effects, and wall roughness on peristaltic flow incorporating suspended particles within an inclined channel immersed in porous media. The primary objective of this chapter is to afford a precise comprehension of fluid dynamics, specifically the peristaltic flow of vital fluids such as blood and their constituents within the human circulatory system. Furthermore, the implications of these findings extend to both biological and industrial domains magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and radiosurgery applications. The governing equations encompassing continuity, momentum, and energy have been rigorously employed to model the intricate dynamics of the flow,
with the perturbation method adroitly applied to analytically solve these inherently heterogeneous equations. The resultant analytical expressions, elucidating the interdependence of current, temperature, and pressure gradient, constitute pivotal outcomes of this investigation. Critical to the study is a meticulous analysis,
inclusive of the visualization of the impact of various physical factors on key flow properties, such as the streamline function and axial velocity function.. It is noteworthy that an escalation in wall slip manifests as a proportionate increase in the axial velocity of the fluid. Additionally, it is observed that the augmentation of
the magnetic field correlates with an increase in the pressure difference, a trend that diminishes with higher degrees of wall slip. Furthermore, an enhancement in the permeability coefficient is found to positively influence both fluid velocity and
particle velocity. In chapter 4 , the analysis of peristaltic flow with heat transfer occurring within the gap between coaxial inclined tubes is handled. The inner tube’s wall is rigid,
while the outer tube’s wall features a sinusoidal wave propagating through it. The cylindrical system is employed to formulate the problem. The flow is characterized using continuity, momentum, and energy equations. We apply the assumption of long wavelength and the low Reynolds number approximation to simplify the non-linear governing equation, subsequently solving it through perturbation techniques. We
investigate the impact of crucial parameters, such as the magnetic field, porous media, slipping conditions, and others, on the peristaltic flow of a couple stress fluid. Our focus lies on assessing their influence on axial velocity, pressure gradient, and
flow streamlines. The outcomes are visually presented through graphical
representations. Notably, an increase in the slipping parameter results in a reduction of fluid velocity, attributed to the reverse slipping of the flow. The introduction of a magnetic field leads to an augmentation of the pressure gradient. Moreover, elevating the peristaltic amplitude and heat source induces the formation of a vortex
within the flow. The present of porous media leads to increases the pressure
difference of the fluid flow. The primary objective of this chapter is to enhance our understanding of the peristaltic motion of non-Newtonian fluid dynamics, specifically incorporating a couple stress fluid. This contributes to a deeper understanding of crucial fluids, such as blood, within the human circulatory system. The implications extend to biological and industrial applications like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and radiosurgery, advancing our scholarly understanding of fluid behavior, especially in non-Newtonian scenarios. In chapter 5 , the study delves into the intricate dynamics of fluid behavior within a peristaltic flow tube, specifically tailored for endoscopic applications. We examine the multifaceted influence of several critical factors, such as magnetic
fields, porous media properties, heat transfer, chemical reaction ,slip conditions, and solid particles, on this fluid’s flow. To simplify our analysis, we employ long wavelength and low Reynolds number approximations to our mathematical models. Our findings are communicated through visual representations, illustrating their
effects on key flow characteristics, including axial velocity, pressure gradients, heat transfer profiles, concentration profiles, and streamlines Our research not only deepens our understanding of peristaltic flows but also provides valuable insights to
improve fluid transport in medical endoscopy, ultimately enhancing patient care and medical procedures. It is worth mentioning that as the magnetic field strength increases, the fluid velocity decreases. Conversely, when the pressure difference and particle velocity increase, and the couple stress parameters decrease, they boost fluid
flow and lower the pressure difference.
In chapter 6, conclusion, and future work. In chapter 7, references.