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Soil Type Prediction from Shear Wave Velocity and Resistivity Cross-Plots and its Impact on Engineering Parameters \
Mostafa, Mohamad Mostafa Gad Al-Haqq Mohamad.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد مصطفى جاد الحق محمد
مشرف / عبد الخالق محمود محمد الور
مشرف / أحمد صبحي هلالي
مشرف / أحمد مصطفى الجنيدي
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
68 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية العلوم - الجيوفيزياء
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This study delves into the application of geophysical methods for soil type characterization in the Alamein area, Egypt. Accurate identification of subsurface materials (rock, sand, gravel, or clay) is crucial for site assessment studies. These studies evaluate subsurface heterogeneity-variations in soil and rock composition-which significantly impact engineering analysis. Identifying potential challenges like cavities, clay pockets, and other geological anomalies is vital for designing safe and stable structures.
This thesis employs two geophysical methods to gather data:
• Surface Seismic Methods (MASW): These methods utilize velocity of shear seismic waves to probe the subsurface. Variations in the speed of these waves offer insights into the type and density of the underlying materials.
• Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT): This technique measures the electrical resistance of the subsurface. Different materials exhibit varying electrical resistance, allowing for the creation of a 2D resistivity profile that aids in soil type differentiation.
Once the geophysical data is collected, the thesis explores various statistical estimation techniques to predict soil types. These techniques analyze the relationship between the geophysical measurements (shear wave velocity and electrical resistivity tomography) and known soil types from existing boreholes. By establishing these relationships, following empirical formula (Hayashi, 2013), the methods can then be used to estimate the soil type at locations where only the geophysical measurements are available.
The research likely focuses on an empirical approach, potentially utilizing crossplots of shear wave velocity and electrical resistivity data matching boreholes with known soil types. This information can then be used to predict soil types at other locations based solely on the geophysical data collected there.
This thesis builds upon existing methods, potentially tailoring them, or exploring their applicability in the specific context of the Alamein area specially to distinguish Clay, Sand and Rock.
The final part of the research is likely dedicated to presenting the findings and conclusions. This section would discuss the effectiveness of the employed statistical estimation techniques in identifying soil types in Alamein area. Additionally, the research might propose areas for future investigation, such as:
• Validating the Approach: Employing accuracy calculation between actual data from boreholes or other reliable sources and estimated to validate the accuracy of the soil type predictions made using the statistical estimation techniques.
• Considering other Factors: Investigating the influence of additional geophysical measurements or environmental factors on soil type estimation for a more comprehensive understanding of the subsurface.
• Site-Specific Refinement: Adapting the statistical estimation techniques to account for the unique geological characteristics of Alamein area for enhanced prediction accuracy.
By employing geophysical methods and statistical estimation techniques, this research attempts to improve our understanding of the subsurface in Alamein area. This knowledge is essential for informed engineering decisions and the design of safe and sustainable structures and risk studies.