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تاريخ النشر
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113 p. :
علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية
تاريخ الإجازة
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جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - علوم الأغذية
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Functional foods present a bright future for upcoming trends in human nutrition due to their multitude of health advantages. Recently, consumers have shown a heightened interest in foods that promote good health and help for preventing diseases. These functional foods consist of various items that not only provide essential nutrients, but also play a vital role for maintaining health. Numerous research studies have indicated that plant-based foods can decrease the risk of developing diseases, possibly due to their rich content of phytochemicals. Therefore, the primary aim of this research is to investigate the protective properties of select functional beverages that containing essential phytochemicals and antioxidant components which stand in front of diseases and their causes, particularly immunodeficiency disorders.
Therefore, targeted study provides blends of natural extracts from active chemical compounds and studying their role and impact in improving the functions of the immune system via stimulating the immune system response, increasing lymphocyte population and stimulating phagocytosis, since these functional beverages aim to bolster overall health and the immunity as special finding natural foods with a content of active compounds that has an immune enhancing effect and humoral antibody mediated activation of T and B cells. Functional foods with high levels of antioxidants, phenols, flavonoids and vitamin C can help for maintaining a balanced immune system.
For this purpose, designed food products in form of juices were prepared as follows; kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), black seeds (Nigella sativa L.) and Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer, Araliaceae).
Blends of fruit, vegetable and medical herbal were prepared in form of several blends proportions with each other for improving the functions of the immune system and increasing the responsibility of phagocytosis and lymphocytic population. In addition to the preparation of them into drink to strengthen and improve the functions of the immune system and identify the chemical composition and sensory evaluation of them.
The study targeted a group of patients from volunteers were compared to control health personal divided as follows:
• The control: 5 normal ordinary peoples who are healthy.
• Auto-immune diseases divided into 3 parts.
1- five had allergies
2- two had Lupus erythematosus (L.E)
3- three had Rheumatoid arthritis (R.A)
These groups were selected and evaluated by questionnaires to find out the nutritional status of patients and history of the family and after conducting a routine medical examination of patients attending clinics food allergies and immunodeficiency in Ain Shams University Hospital and ranging in age from 20 years to 55 years.
Their effect on physicochemical properties, antioxidant status, chemical composition and sensory evaluation were done. In addition to study their impact for increasing the ability of immune system response.
Preparation of formulated beverages
Kiwi juice was freshly extracted and filtered, while broccoli was cut into small bits, ground, and juiced using a household blender. Aqueous extractions of ginseng and black seed were prepared separately. Subsequently, all the components were skillfully combined to create immune-boosting blends with varying proportions of broccoli and kiwi, starting from 80% kiwi and 20% broccoli and gradually transitioning to 80% broccoli and 20% kiwi. With fixed proportions of ginseng and black seed were added, and to enhance the flavor, stevia sugars a natural sweetener was incorporated.
The examination:
High concentration extracts and mixtures were obtained and purified. The total phenolic content, as well as the total flavonoids content in each blend were estimated. Additionally, vitamin C content in blends was also estimated. The proximate analysis and physicochemical analysis were determined, along with the determination of antioxidant activity. Immunological analysis was conducted using a phagocytosis test and by examining the lymphocytes population in each material extract and the different formulated beverages. This was done to ensure that the prepared beverages have a higher efficiency for influencing the immune response in mixtures used for patients with immunodeficiency.
The obtained results could be summarized as follows:
1- The results of the immunological tests, chemical analysis, and physical analysis collectively demonstrate the potential health benefits of the different blending beverages containing ginseng, broccoli, black seed, and kiwi, highlighting their impact on lymphocytes, phagocytes, protein, fiber, carbohydrates, calories, solids, acidity, pH, and sugar/acid ratio.
2- Immunological assays were carried out on four different raw materials, namely ginseng, broccoli, black seed, and kiwi, revealing positive effects on lymphocytic population and phagocytosis. These tests were conducted on both healthy individuals and those suffering from immune disorders such as rheumatism, lupus erythematosus, and allergies.
3- The study involved the evaluation of seven unique blends containing varying amounts of kiwi and broccoli, along with fixed quantities of ginseng and black seed, all sweetened with stevia sugar.
4- Chemical analysis indicated that the blend 7 had the highest protein content due to its increased broccoli content, while the blend 4exhibited the highest crude fiber content. The blend 2 contained the highest percentage of carbohydrates, resulting in the highest calorie count.
5- In terms of physical analysis, the blend 1 had the highest concentration of solids and acidity, with a gradual decrease observed in subsequent blends. Conversely, the blend 7 displayed the highest pH value, while the blend 5 had the most favorable sugar/acid ratio.
6- In the examination of biologically active compounds, the comprehensive assessment for phenols, flavonoids, and vitamin C is progressively diminished until the seventh combination, alongside the evaluation of antioxidant activity.
7- The crucial minerals that significantly impact the enhancement of the immune response, namely iron, zinc, and copper, were scrutinized in all seven blends. Notably, the 7 blends exhibited the highest concentration of iron and copper (39.62 and 0.910 respectively), while the blend 5 displayed the highest level of zinc (3.71). Comparatively, these blends encompass a substantial portion of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for these minerals, indicating their potential as highly nutritious beverages that can bolster immune function.
8- To further validate their immune-boosting properties, supplementary immunological tests were conducted on all 7 blends subsequent to their blending. The results revealed that the blend 5 exerted the most pronounced stimulation on both phagocytic and lymphocyte cells. This finding underscores the potential of these beverages to enhance immune activity.
Based on the previous results, it could be concluded that all blends of beverage prepared from kiwi fruit, broccoli, ginseng and black seeds distinguished with potent antioxidants and rich in ascorbic acid, phenol and flavonoid compounds. Moreover, all blends were accepted through sensory evaluation attributes except blending ratio No. 7. for that reason, it could be encouraged to consume these functional blends that support health by improving the efficiency of immunoenhancing and immuno-tolerization from diseases.