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Coronary anomalies :
Abdel Shakour, Hany Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هاني محمود عبد الشكور
مشرف / فاروق محمد رضوان
مشرف / ماجد زغلول‎ ‎محمد عامر
مناقش / حلمي محفوظ أبوبكر
مناقش / مصباح طه حسانين
Coronary arteries-- Abnormalities
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (163pages) :
أمراض القلب والطب القلب والأوعية الدموية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - قسم أمراض القلب و الأوعية الدموية
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Aim of work:‎‏ ‏This study is conducted to review the recent literatures and ‎researches concerning coronary artery anomalies, clinical implication of these ‎anomalies, the advance in diagnosis particularly imaging techniques and advance in ‎their management.‎ Coronary artery anomalies are some of the most confusing, neglected topics ‎in cardiology. Although the medical community and general public are increasingly ‎aware that coronary anomalies can be fatal (typically in young, previously ‎‎“healthy” athletes), the reasons for the sudden fatal event and the frequency with ‎which it occurs are generally unclear.‎ Hemodynamically significant anomalies of the coronary arteries are ‎characterized by abnormalities of myocardial perfusion, which lead to an increased ‎risk of myocardial ischemia or sudden death. These anomalies include an ‎anomalous origin of either the LCA or the RCA from the pulmonary artery, an ‎anomalous course between the pulmonary artery and the aorta (interarterial) of ‎either the RCA arising from the left sinus of Valsalva or the LCA arising from the ‎right sinus of Valsalva, occasional myocardial bridging, and congenital coronary ‎artery fistula.‎ The association of coronary artery anomalies and sudden cardiac death ‎appears to be exclusively found in patients with an interarterial vessel, in whom ‎the anomalous vessel passes between the aortic root and right ventricular outflow ‎tract (RVOT) or pulmonary artery. Clinical diagnosis of coronary artery anomalies ‎is difficult. The initial diagnostic examination is typically conventional coronary ‎angiography However, even with multiple projections and the use of pulmonary ‎artery catheters, the identification of the proximal course of the vessel can be ‎difficult within the angiographic suite..‎ Multislice CT, with its short acquisition time, can provide detailed anatomy ‎of coronary arteries non-invasively. MR angiography provides an accurate ‎assessment of the course of anomalous coronary arteries and can be used as an ‎adjunctive technique when results of coronary angiography are equivocal.‎ Finally, when anomalous coronary artery is suspected, every effort should be ‎directed towards early diagnosis and early management. ‎