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Non-Invasive Diagnosis Of Cirrhosis :
Kandil, Nabil Fathy El-Azab.
Internal Medicineِ. Cirrhosis.
تاريخ النشر
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104 p. :
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Liver cirrhosis is a common disease and has wide distribution in Egypt. It is the final outcome of any chronic liver disease due to the prevalence of HCV in Egypt. It has many causes other than HCV as; alcohol, which is the commonest cause of cirrhosis in west countries and USA, hemochromatosis, Wilson disease alpha 1-AT deficiency, prolonged cholestasis and Budd-Chiari syndrome. Cirrhosis results from liver cell necrosis, fibrosis and formation of regenerating nodules leading to loss of normal hepatic architecture and impaired liver function. It has many serious complications as; portal hypertension which leads to bleading OV with increased the risk of developing bacterial infectons and splenomegaly, ascites, SBP, HCC and hepatic encephalopathy. Invasive diagnosis of cirrhosis by the of biopsy, laparotomy or laparoscopy has many risks and limitations. So the need for safe non-invasive method and evaluate its sensitivity for diagnosis of cirrhosis was the aim of our study. This study was performed, in the Internal Medicine and Radiology Departments in the period from January 2005 to January 2006, on 50 patients divided into 3 groups; 10 control patients, 20 compensated cirrhotic patients and 20 decompensared cirrhotic patients. All patients were subjected to the following: * Thorough history taking and clinical examination. * Routine investigatios (CBC, LFTs, KFTs, PT, PTT, INR, hepatitis markers and serology for bilharziasis). * Imaging diagnosis including abdominal US and Doppler US. Our study showed no significant difference between the groups as regards; age and sex. But there was significant value as regards the LFTs(especially serum albumin and bilirubin), KFTS and CBC results. Also there was high significant statistical difference as regards ascites and splenic diameter detected by conventional abdominal US. New Doppler US signs, including PVCIx and HVS, showed high significant statistical difference between the studied groups. So we concluded the following: 1) Chronic HCV infection is the most common cause of cirrhosis in our study. 2) Early diagnosis of cirrhosis is very important to prevent its serious complications. 3) The use of invasive methods as; biopsy, laparotomy or laplroscopy carries many risks. 4) Non-invasive methods, including new Doppler signs (HVS), improved the diagnosis of cirrhosis.