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Environmental Assessment Of The Red Sea Coast, Egypt :
Nour, Hamdy El-Sayed.
Biogeochemical Approach - Egypt.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
194 P. :
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The present work aims to assess the environmental geochemistry of the Red Sea coast of Egypt from Abu Darag on the Gulf of Suez due north to Berenice due south. The study involves description of the shore line nature, giving complete systematic classification and identification of the collected sea shells, studying the type of habitats and modes of life for living rocky shore dwellers, quantifying the pollution limits and hazards by trace elements in two selected gastropod species. These two selected species can be used in future studies as geochemical markers in environmental geochemical assessment of shore lines and in evaluation the levels of pollution along the coast.
V.1. Nature of shore line:
According to the type of shore materials, the shoreline could be classified into the following types:
V.1.1. Reefal beaches:
These beaches are composed of hard, massive algal coralline limestone of the youngest Pleistocene coral reef, along the Red Sea Coast. Most of the tourist villages and resorts were built above this unit. Reefal beaches are found in two forms:
(1) The first form consists of walls facing the sea, 0.5-9m height, clean from sediments and sea water reaches during high tide. They are vertical or strongly sloped (60?-90?) and represent a suitable substrate to some invertebrate dwellers that tolerate desiccation and strong waves e.g. Balanus, Chiton, some gastropods and green algae as in 17km north Safaga. (2) The second form is low, flat coral reefs up to 2m width, of different scleractinian species and covered by seawater during high tide. Such beaches are locally covered by thin veneer of mud and/or sand. They represent the substrate for many dwellers e.g. Patella and Chama as in 12km south Quseir.