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Effect of some Cultural Treatments on the Growth and Yield of Cotton /
El-Kashlan, Mohamed Kotb M.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد قطب محمد القشلان
مشرف / فؤاد سرور
مناقش / M. S. الكريدى
مناقش / M. زهران
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
117 p. :
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الزراعة - Agronomy
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The present investigation included three separate parlza and was conducted a% 6akha Agricultural Research Station Farm, during 1982 and 1983 seasons, Thie part was orrried out t o atudy the effect of foliar spraying of different microelements on the growth and yield of cotton (cv. Giza 70). The microelements uoed (Mn SO4), at r rats 5 cld ./Lo ) and the mixtue 02 microelementtit in addition t o the eontrol. The above 9 spraying 9reatmentra wedistributed i n a Randomized Complete Block D.~ign with four replications, One system of f o l i a r applioaticm warn used : One spray during vegetative period, at 60 daya from planting and one spray during flowering period at were giveom - 75 days from planting / Pour plant samples at 90,105,120 and 135 days from sowing were taken for growth analysis. The yield of seed-cotton per feddas and yield oomponenta were calculated . The obtained results can be summarized as followar 1- The dry matter accumulation per plant wao increarsed significantly by f o l i a r spraying 09 different microelements at the l a s t samples studied in both seasons. The highest dry mattes accumulation per plant resulted from foliar application of Mqmeaa and Zinc a t a11 samples in both seasons, followed by spraying oolrton plants with Bayf olan, Fe and Cu. Spraying co=on plants with B and the mixture gave airatlar effeot on matter per plant, but Mo had no significant effect on dry matter acouinuLation at all smplas in bath aebasons* The untreated plants gave the lowest dry matter par plant a.1; a l l samples in both seasons. 2- Polisrr spraying of Mn and Zn significantly produced the t a l l e s t plants compared with the oontrol in boeh seasons. Bayf olan, Fe and Cu gave s i m i l a r effect on plant height, followed by B and the mixt’urs. Plants sprayed with Mo did not sxer% any aigniff oat affoa* on plant height. The untreated plant8 gave the lowest plat height in both seasons. 3- Spraying cotton plants with Mn, Zn and Cu increaeed L.A per plant compared with the control, but Yo did not give noticeable effect on leaf area per plrnt in the f i r s t season, while in the second season,the largest leaf area per plant were obtained by foliar application of’ Mn. The smallest one was produced by Mo which produced larger L.A than the control. Bayfolan, Zn, Fe, Cu and the mixture gave similar effect on leaf area per plant . 4- $prgtying ~ottozap lm%aw i t h MXI gave the highest velue of crop growth ratx compared with the o%her trea.t;men%~, while plants sprayed with Mo and control plante gave the lowest values of CGR. Bayfolan, Zn, Fe, Cu and the mixture gave similar effec* on CGR in both seasons. 5- No signif ioant dif f erencss were obtained in relative growth rate vlaues as affected by foliar spraying treatments at all growth stages ila both seasons. 6- Plants sprayed with Mn, Zn ad Cu gave the highest values of net asdlimilation rate, while plants sprayed with Mo and the control plants gave -t;he lowest NU. Bayfolan, Fe, B and the mixture treabents gave similw effect on NAR i n the first season only. 7- Spmyiw cotton plantri with Mn and Zn cauoed soma lacreasea in the average boll weight against the control in both aeaaons, 8- A eignificant negative effect on earlineas percentage was obtained by foliar spraying treatments, The control plants and planta sprayed with Mo gave the highest earlineea percentage in both ~eaaons . 9- Foliar spraying with different microelements had no significant effect on l i n t percentage in both seasom, 10- Trace elements showed no significant effects on seed index i n both seasons .