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Evaluation of PCR, Serology and Culture for Diagnosis of Chlamydia Pneumoniae in Respiratory Infections
Fathia Muftah Omer El-Mehishi
تاريخ النشر
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Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumonia, is a gram-negative obligate intracellular bacterium and it is a wide spread respiratory pathogen.
In this study, 112 specimens were examined in patients with a diagnosis of community acquired pneumoniae.
Each of these samples was interpretted by four techniques. these techniques were cell culture, IMF, ELISA and PCR.
In cell culture 46 (41.07%) were positive, while 66 (58.93%) were negative.
Indirect IMF 45 (40.18%) were positive, while 67 (59.82%) were negative.
Then ELISA 80 (71.42%) were positive, while 32 (28.57%) were negative.
Then PCR 65 (58.04%) were positive, while 47 (41.96%) were negative.
Our study showed that males were more susceptible to Chlamydial infection than females.
Also, the results represented that the most susceptible group to infection was the group C (30-86 years old).
The sensitivity of different methods compared in this study showed that ELISA is the most sensitive technique (80/112) were positive.
However, PCR (65/112) were positive, IMF (45/112) were positive and culture (45/112) were positive, show less sensitivity.