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prognostic Factors In post-Traumatic CraniaC Extradural Hematomas
Menoufiya University. Faculty of Medicine. General Surgery.
El Mashd,Mohammed Morsy
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / El Mashd,Mohammed Morsy
مشرف / Yasser Mahmoud El Bana
مناقش / Yasser Mahmoud El Bana
مناقش / Said Gamal EL Din Askar
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - General Surgery
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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This thesis includes 50 patients with traumatic cranial EDHs who were admitted and treated in Neurosurgery Department in Menoufiya University Hospital in the period from February 2003 till December 2004.
It included 37 males (74%) and 1 3 females (26%) and 72% of patients between age of 11-40 years. Road traffic accidents (RTA) represented 42% of cause-; of trauma. Fall from .height was the main cause of trauma for (host’ below age of 10 years, while RTA was the main cause for (hose elder than this age.
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These cases with ED,Is presented with headache in 70%), loss of consciousness (LOG) in 94% and lucid interval in 64%, fits in 16% of the total cases. 84% of cases had GCS score above 8 and 16%) below
8*, motor weakness in 38%, pupillary changes in 16%,-mid brain stem
. affection in 8% of the cases.
Plain X-ray skull was done for all gases, fissure fractures were found in 76%, depressed fiacUircs in 14%, and fracture base in 30% of the cases. CT scan was done for all cases, temporal, parietal hematomas, and those extended to other sites, represented 68%> of the cases. Thickness more than 0.5cm was 78%, midlinc shift more than 0.5cm was 68%, and heterogeneous density was 12% of (he cases.
82%) were treated surgically, 12%) were managed conservatively, and 6% of the eases were managed conservatively at first, (hen (hey needed surgical management because of deteriorated neurological states and increased thickness of hematoma. Craniotomy was used in 95,45% and craniectomy in 4.55% of the surgically managed cases.