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المكانه السوسيومتريه /
محمد الشبراوى الانوار،
الانوار، محمد الشبراوى
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد الشبراوى الانوار
مشرف / عبد الله موسى
مناقش / هدى قناوى
مناقش / عبد الله موسى
علم النفس
تاريخ النشر
1985 .
عدد الصفحات
188ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية عام - صحة نفسية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 205

from 205


The Human 1s a sociable creature, and witbout
his membership of One or more then a group he 108aes
his humanity chara cterist Lca , therfore ; The person,
from his birth, 1s a member ot more than group, Ex:
The f.amily, the associates, and the c~a8sroom group,
e ct , The number, the importance, andtbe influence
of these groups IneresSf with tb’e individual
developement, It is note worthy tbat, the inividual
achlves the member ship of aome ot these groups, and
prescribes the membership of the other, As a resulte
of tbe metuel interactions between the individual
and the otber members of the group, there is a
network of social relations which ties them all.
Determining or individual sociometric status
Cepeada on measuring such relations.
Problem ot the atu~:
The studJ’ searches the effect ot the lemil” size,
and its CUlture level~oD the individual Social maturity
and bis success in mati. 8a\1s.tactory rel.tloas
with his group memberes, and.ther by on h18 80c10 •• t_
ric status. lor 8econdaZ’J’ scbool stUdent ••
In oher sense. the etu~ answers the ~ollow1Dc
... - - --_ -----._----- ..... ~~. ..-
1. Are tbere ”cI1tte renees between tbe 9me11, t be
averget and the big tuml11es sized children,
in sociometric status SCOres?
The seme question fOr the two sexes.
Are there differences between. Th( bigher t and
tbe lower CUlture level temilies ebildren, in
8oclomet~lc status Scores?
4. Tbe Same question tor the two sexes.
5· Do tbe personalit,y traits .ot tbe higber soeiolll8_
trie e t e t ua membera (fbe sters) , ditter thsn
such of the lower sociometric status members
(The Isolates).?
Do the peraonelit,y treir ot tbe stars, ditter
tben sueb ot tbe iSOletes members trom the same
7. Do the personelit,y treits ot males, dlttsr trom
than such ot females, trom the same status ?
Aims ot tbe studZ:
The present ef;ud¥ aJJue at kn01l.i.n8:
1. - ~h6 ette ct ot the talti.],r s1ae On tJJe hcl1Udual
Sociometric status.
2. The effect of the family oUlture level on the
individual sociometric status.
]. The personality traits of the Sociometric extramists
individuals (the group stars, and isolates),
from the two sexes. For secondary school students.
St ud,y evidence:
nvidence of the study goes back to the fact. That
it throws the ligr,t on some SOcialvariablea, which
have a great importance for person life, and affect his
sociometric status between bis class mates. Plus, the
knowldge of the personality traits of the isolates
members which aida on counselling, and gUidance processe
s for them.
Pr~vious stUdies:
£revioua stUdies have been divided into two groupS,
with rtspect to: the elm, and the variables which It
na ve at ud,yed.
1. StUdies deal with, sociometric status Bnd the
variables of tbe stu~.
~. Sudies deal with, sociometric status aDd other
4 -
Hypot beses :
Hypotheses are formulated as an attempt to answer
tile questIons raised in t he problem of the study- T~ey
are formulated as follows:
I. There are statistically significant differences
between children of small, of average, and of
big sized families, on sociometric status scores
favouring those of small sized families.
e. There are statistically significant difterlnces
betw€en girls Of small, ot a verage, and
of big sized families on sociometric status
scares , favouring those of small sized
b. There are s ta t1st it icall) significant dit fel’ences
between: boys of small, ot average,
and ot big sized families, on sociometric
status Bcorss, favouring those of
small sized familiese
II. There are statistically s!gn1ticant ditterences
between children ot higher cu~ture 18941 fea11188
and children of lower culture level ramilies. On
sociometric status scores, teyeu.r1Dg tboae ot
hiher culture level lemillee.
e. There are statisticslly significant differencas,
between girls Of higher cUlt~ level familias,
and girla of 10war cUlture leval,on sOciometric
status scores, favouring tboae, of bigher cUltura
level families.
b. There are statiatically aignitcsnt dittarsncea
between, boys of bigber cUlture level families
end boys of lowe~ cUlture level familiee, on
sociometric status scores, f~our1ng tnese Of
nigher cUlture level families.
III. There are statistically Signiticant ditterencea,
between: stara and isolates ot tbe group, On
the mean Of personality traits acores, dominance,
respansability, emotional stebilltsy, and sociability,
as meaSUred by GORDON personal prOfile,
favouring of iaolates On dominance trait, and
Of stars on the rest traits.
a. There are etetiatitically significant difte~nca,
between stsrs and isolates trom tbs same sex in
the previous personality treits, scorea, taYoUr1ae
isolutes on dominance trait , and ot stare on the
rest traits.
b , Personality traits of boy~ don’t differ fro!’!1 those
of girls, from the ssmeatatue.
Subjects are taken from second year secondary,
scientific section, from SHRKIA governorate schools,
They were J6J students- The data of 11) of these
subjects, were aliminated.1i-e the~e8ts were 250
sUbjects of average intelligence, and socio-economic
leve 1-
This sampling consist of 120 ales Bnd 130
females -
Tools: Consist of:
a. Cantrol tools:
1- Pictorial intelligence test,by: Abmed Zakl
o>sleb •
2. Porm ot familY soclo-economlc level by:
Zakaria KL- Sberblni • Yousria Anwar Sadek
b. Measuring Tools:
1. Gordon pers0II81 protile teat, by: Gaber Abd
RL~8lDid tl Foed Abu Batb.
2. form at tand.l3 culture level, I).y: Zeteri.
EL-Sberbi.DI • Yo_rIa Aawar Sedek.
- 8 -
II. R~sults of second Hypotbese:
(The relation between socio’metric status and tbe
culture level of the famil).).
8- Children of bigher culture level families are
higher sociometric status than those of lower
culture level familiesb.
girls of higher culture level families. ere
higher sociometric status, than, those of lower
culture level families.
c. There are no differences between boys of the
two levels of families culture level.
III- Resultea of third Hypothese:
(The porsonality traits of the extremists me~bers)
8- Stars are more responsible, emotionally stability
and sociability, than the 18014te$ members whears,
there are no differences between them on the
dominance trait scoresb-
Star bOIs are more emotionelll stable, than tbe
lsolateboys_ Whear& tbere 8~e no ditterences
between them on tbe rest traits scores.
c- Star girls ere more respoD88b1l1t1 ae
sociability t than tbe 18018te glr18. wbe.~ there
are oodltterences betwesD them on ’be re.’ ’ra1ts
scores -
d- Isolate boys are more ~esponaab111ty than isolate
girls, whears there are no differences between
them on the rest traits scorese.
Ster. boys ere more emotionally stable than star
girls, whears it 1s tbe opposite ror sociability
trait scores, wh11e there ·areno differences
bet”fEen them on the .re at traits scores.