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Evaluation of bond characteristic between asphalt concrete layers /
Saber, Saber Hafez.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / صابر حافظ صابر
مشرف / عاصم مصطفى كمال عبد العليم
مناقش / رجب مجاهد عبد النبى
مناقش / عاصم مصطفى كمال عبد العليم
Asphalt cement.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
100 p. :
الهندسة المدنية والإنشائية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الهندسة بشبرا - department of Civil engineering
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The effect of shear strength on me distress of asphalt pavements has not been considered when the main causes of pavement distress are investigated. At present. Many analytical and experimental research works showed that the shear strength of asphalt mixes can have m1 impact on the performance of the asphaltic concrete pavements in the field. This thesis introduces a new mecinanical cheracieristics, namely shear strength of the mix. and the ”hear bond strength, which must be considered when asphalt pavements are designed and constructed, The importance of determination of such mechanical characieristics can be shown ”,Den the distress and fail ure of asphaltic concrete pavemerus are considered. Based on the results of laboratory specimens and cores recovered from the field, [L comprehensive analytical investigatiar. is conducted. The finite element analysis indicates that relanve rigidit or the multi-layer system has a. significant influence on tae induced and strains and it 5boo1d be considered in the d.e:ri8n and construction of asphalt concrete pavements, The elastic multi-layer analysis ~’S that, unlike tensile and compressive strengths, hear strength of asphalt concrete can be wed as a performan(:e indicaior, the findings of the analytical investigation provide the input to verify the effect of mix type. the asphalt content, the type of aggregate on the shear strength. of asphalt concrete pavements, and the their long term performance. This requirement leads to the development of .the shear test facility, which is used 10 measure the shear strength of the mixes and the u-r band strength between layers.