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Study of hepatobiliary scintigraphy as a diagnostic approach in neonatal cholestasis /
Abdel Rahman, Dalia Abdel Latif.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
137 P. :
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from 173


Direct hyperbilirubinemia is a pathological increase in ”the
conjugated bilirubin level in the blood. It is a principal manifestation of hepatobiliary disease. The neonate develops cholestasis in response to a
wide variety of insults, either due to defect in bilirubin excretion,
transport or metabolism. It is difficult to differentiate these causes and
reach a definitive diagnosis, so many investigations must be included to
defect the defect and treat it early to avoid its hazardous complications.
In this study, we try to evaluate a specific investigation tool and
detect its accuracy in differentiating biliary atresia from neonatal
hepatitis, which is hepatobiliary scintigraphy.
Our study were conducted on 40 cases 10 of them as controls and
30 were neonates have cholestatic jaundice. All these admitted at
neonatology unit, pediatric department, Zagazig University Hospital.
All cases and controls are subjected to
1- Case history taking.
2- Clinical examination.
3- Laboratory investigations, including
a- Traditional investigations including: complete blood picture,
liver function tests, alkaline phosphatase level, Gamma
glutarnyle transferase level, PT and PTT
b- aI, antitrypsine level.
c- Blood culture.
d- TORCH screen
4- Abdominal ultrasonography
5- Radionuclide cholescintigraphy.