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Reproductive biology of Boops boops (family Sparidae) in the Mediterranean Sea
Zagazig Univesity
Negm, Reham Mohamed Kadry
Boops boops (family Sparidae) Mediterranean Sea
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Monthly analysis of the maturity stages distribution revealed that Boop boops has a long spawning season extending from January to May. The peak value of gonadosomatic index was attained in February for both males and females. Length at first sexual maturity is 12 cm and 13 cm for males and females respectively. The analysis of ova diameter for the species understudy revealed that there are 3 egg batches in the ripe ovary of Boops boops, the first batch includes the immature small and transparent eggs, the second batch includes the vitelline eggs while the third batch includes the yolky and ripe eggs. The relation between the absolute fecundity and the relative fecundity against total length and gutted weight was highly expressive with mean gutted weight for both relative and absolute fecundity then mean total length.