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Egyptian sٍugar journal /
اعداد الدورية
  جميع أبحاث الدورية
volum 20 - 2023 - 01/07/2023
رقم البحث : 13065695 Impact of gibberellic acid on yield and quality of some sugar beet varieties/
رقم البحث : 13065739 Effect of nitrogen and boron fertilization on the productivity and quality
of ‎sugar beet/
رقم البحث : 13065724 Genetic diversity of Sporisorium scitamineum associated with Sugarcane smut disease
in Luxor Governorate, Egypt using SCoT marker technique/
رقم البحث : 13065750 Evaluation of sugar losses in beet molasses as affected by the quality ‎of
sugar beet roots/
رقم البحث : 13066179 The impact of nitrogen fertilization, bio-fertilizers and molasses on the
growth and morphological characteristics of sugar beet plants (Beta vulgaris L.)/
رقم البحث : 13066159 Monitoring the changes in the quality of drinking water through nine years
in Assiut governorate, Egypt/
volum 19 - 2022 - 01/08/2022
رقم البحث : 13053336 Environmental negative and positive impacts of treated sewage water on the
soil: A case study from Sohag governorate, Egypt/
رقم البحث : 13053765 Physicochemical properties and polarization value in raw and refined sugar/
رقم البحث : 13053345 Separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) of pretreated sugar beet pulp
(SBP) into ethanol/
رقم البحث : 13053499 Evaluation of Cellulases Production by Aspergillus niger ‎Using Response Surface
رقم البحث : 13053511 Experimental investigation on emission and combustion characteristics of an
industrial burner using biogas co-fired with diesel and biodiesel/
رقم البحث : 13053525 Experimental investigation of the effects of using biofuel blends with conventional
diesel on the performance, combustion, and emission characteristics of an industrial
رقم البحث : 13053532 the application of biofertilizers improves sugar beet biofortification
in ‎clay loam soils and reduces sugar losses in beet sugar processing/
رقم البحث : 13053742 Effect of water deficit irrigation and bio-fertilizers on growth, yield and
quality of sugar ‎ beet/
volum 18 - 2022 - 06/01/2022
رقم البحث : 13044604 Effect of algae extract foliar application and inter-row planting distances
on the yield and quality of sugar beet
رقم البحث : 13044851 Sugar beet is a suitable source for cellulases-producing bacteria
and ‎actinomycetes/
رقم البحث : 13044964 Detection of Ceftriaxone antibiotic and removal via complexation with
Fe (III)/
رقم البحث : 13044556 Response of sugar beet varieties to plant geometrical distribution/
رقم البحث : 13053093 Reducing heavy metals content in sugarcane molasses and its effect on
ethanol fermentation efficiency/
رقم البحث : 13053108 Production of Bio-ethanol from sugar beet pulp using recombinant E. coli
and S. cereviceae/
رقم البحث : 13053312 Assessment of the physicochemical and toxic trace metals of sewage ‎ effluents:
A case study from Sohag governorate, Egypt‎/
رقم البحث : 13044801 Deterioration of sugarcane molasses during storage and its effect on
ethanol fermentation efficiency in distillery factories/
volum 16 - 2021 - 20/08/2021
رقم البحث : 12728987 Correlation and Regression Analyses for Cane and Sugar Yields Across Their Components under Bud Chips and Conventional Planting Methods in SugarCane./
رقم البحث : 12729252 Synthesis of Oxalic from Sugarcane Molasses by Oxidation-reduction Reactions using Permanganate Ion as Oxidant/
رقم البحث : 12729270 Cellulase and Xylanase Production by Sugarcane Bagasse Mycobiota/
رقم البحث : 12729300 Utilization of Sugar Beet Industrial filter cake waste for removal of direct red 81 from aqueous solution/
رقم البحث : 12729327 An Economic Study of Seasonal Changes in Global and Local Sugar Prices/
رقم البحث : 12729348 Execute of Cooling Vacuum Crystallization (CVC) in Place of C-Cooling Crystallizers for White Sugar Production and Energy Saving in the Beet Sugar Industry/
رقم البحث : 12730834 Nile River Freshwater Quality Assessment at Assiut Governorate/
رقم البحث : 12730855 Egyptian Organo-Kaolinite / Chitosan Nano composite for Effective Removing Sulfate Ions from Groundwater/
volum 17 - 2022 - 01/08/2021
رقم البحث : 12790525 Simultaneous Determination of Copper and Manganese as their Ternary Complexes with Alizarin Complexone and Fluoride using First derivative Spectrophotometry/
رقم البحث : 12790658 Effect of the application of molasses and vinasses on the yield and quality of sugar beet and soil fertility/
رقم البحث : 12790672 Biodegradation of Hydroquinone Compound in Pharmaceutical Wastewater using the Penicillium Citrinum AUMC14751 Isolate/
رقم البحث : 12790688 Behavior of Cationic Color Precipitants as Alternatives of Hydrogen Peroxide in Raw Sugar Melt Clarification Process/
رقم البحث : 12790700 Citric Acid Production by Cellulose Decomposing Black Aspergillus Species Isolated from Sugarcane Bagasse/
رقم البحث : 12792623 Impact of sowing dates and planting densities on yield and quality of sugar beet/
رقم البحث : 12792624 Blade Wear Assessment of First Knife Set of Cane-Preparation Equipment/
volum 15 - 2020 - 21/12/2020
رقم البحث : 12676773 Effect of Treated Filter Cake on Yield and its Components of Sugar Beet under Saline Soil Condition/
رقم البحث : 12676788 Isolation and Genetic Identification of Phenol Degrading Bacterium from Wastewater of Assiut University Hospitals/
رقم البحث : 12676806 Quality of Affined Sugar at Different Temperatures
رقم البحث : 12676828 Noise Pollution; Assessing and Control in the Beet Sugar Industry/
رقم البحث : 12680808 Investigation of Noise Pollution Levels in Some Beet Sugar Factories in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12680832 A novel Method for Brix Measuring in raw Sugar Solution/
رقم البحث : 12680843 Optimal Design of Shunt Active Power Filter for Power Quality Improvement Based on Virtual Experimental Filter Technique
رقم البحث : 12680860 Efficient Synthesis and Biological Activities of New Pyridine and Pyrimidine Thioglycosides as Potential Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Agents/
volum 14 - 2020 - 01/12/2020
رقم البحث : 12672525 Effect of Soil Amendments Application on Juice Quality and Sugar Yields of Sugar Beet Grown under Saline Soil Conditions/
رقم البحث : 12672329 Isolation and Purification of Sugarcane Waxes from Sugarcane Peels and Filter Cake Mud/
رقم البحث : 12672279 Performance evaiuation of a sugarcane peeling machine/
رقم البحث : 12672333 Volatile Constituents of Beta Vulgaris pulp-wastes as a Source of Bioactive Natural Products
رقم البحث : 12672352 Tartaric Acid Grafted Sugarcane Bagasse for Removal of chromium(VI) from Aqueous Solutions/
رقم البحث : 12672361 Hydrochemical Classification of Groundwater in West Assiut Combined Cycle Power’s Area, Assiut, Egyptl
رقم البحث : 12672403 Treatment of Raw Cane Juice with Organo Bentonite and Ultrafiltration Membranes for White Sugar Production/
رقم البحث : 12672420 Improving the Efficiency of Extraction of Sugar Cane Mills Using Rollers with Compound Triple Pitch/
volum 13 - 2020 - 01/02/2020
رقم البحث : 12617093 Yield and Quality of Three Sugar Beet Varieties as Affected by Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Foliar Application and Nitrogen Fertilization/
رقم البحث : 12617085 Biotechnological β-glucan Production from Returned Baker´s Yeast and Yeast Remaining after Ethanol Fermentation/
رقم البحث : 12617279 Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoate by Local Strain of Bacillus megaterium AUMC b 272 Utilizing Sugar Beet Wastewater and Molasses/
رقم البحث : 12617281 Kraft Pulping of Date Palm Rachis from Egypt/
رقم البحث : 12617282 Green Synthesis of n-Butyl Acetate in the Liquid Phase Using Natural Silica as a Novel, Highly Efficient and Stable Catalyst
رقم البحث : 12617283 Chemical Composition of Three Types of Low-grade Dates in Upper Egypt
رقم البحث : 12617284 The Economic Effects of Sugar Price Policy in Egypt
رقم البحث : 12617285 Oligosaccharides Production by Leuconostoc holzaapfelii Strain S7 Using Sugar Cane Molasses as Fermentation Medium
volum 12 - 2019 - 01/10/2019
رقم البحث : 12588318 Development and testing of tractor-Drawn sugar cane Billets planter/
رقم البحث : 12588390 Recent Achievements of Egyption Sugarcane Breeding program/
رقم البحث : 12588615 Opportunities of cooling crystallization for white sugar production/
رقم البحث : 12588698 Power Quality Improvement of Sugar Factories DC Motor Drive Using Hybrid Filter/
رقم البحث : 12588743 Mordant Yellow 12 Dye Removal from Wastewater Using Low Cost Modified Sugarcane Bagasse as an Adsorbent/
رقم البحث : 12588705 Impact Of Bulk and Naopartices Zinc Oxide Foliar Application On Sugar Beet Yid and Quality under Different Irrigtion Fertilizaion Levls/
رقم البحث : 12588309 Sugr Cane and Sugar Research at National Cereals Reserch Institute, Badeggi, Nigeria: Time for Collaboration With Egypts/
رقم البحث : 12588424 Five Years Performances Of Three Key Players In The Restart Journey OfThe Nigeria Sugarcane and Sugar industry/
volum 11 - 2018 - 01/12/2018
رقم البحث : 12531446 Application of nano-hydroxyapatite in Sugar Cane juice Clarification/
رقم البحث : 12531388 Effect of boron concentrations and application time on the productivity and quality of some sugar beet cultivars/
رقم البحث : 12531448 Effect of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on the behavior of calcium, silicate,and phosphate in Cane Juice Treatment./
رقم البحث : 12531685 Potentiality of Some Yeast Isolates for Electricity Generation from Sugarcane Molasses/
رقم البحث : 12531725 Isoiation and Partial Purification Of inverase from different bakers and distillery Saccharomyces cerevisiae/
رقم البحث : 12531727 A Study on the factors affecting biomass formation by a highly Kojic acid producer fungal isolate from sugarcane molasses/
رقم البحث : 12531970 Study on photogeneration of hydrogen peroxide over Ag/Tio2 catalysts in water/
رقم البحث : 12531957 Evaluation of sugar Cane genotypes under different row spacing/
volum 10 - 2018 - 01/06/2018
رقم البحث : 12493803 Sludge Reduction in Wastewater of Beet Sugar Industry Using the Effective Microorganisms. In Abu Qurqas Sugar Factory/
رقم البحث : 12493698 Studies on Aroma Sources in Ethanol During Fermentation and Distillation.
رقم البحث : 12493788 Hydrothermal, Solvolysis and Catalytic pyrolysis of Kraft lignin/
رقم البحث : 12493865 Correlation, Stepwise Regression and Path-Coefficient Analyses in New Crosses of Sugarcane/
رقم البحث : 12493879 Evaluation of Some Sugarcane Genotypes Performance for Some Agronomic Traits at Seedling Stage/
رقم البحث : 12493910 Genetic Variance, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Some Agronomic Traits in Some Sugarcane Genotypes
رقم البحث : 12493696 Cleaning of ciogging central tube in juice clarifiers /
رقم البحث : 12493829 Studies on Improvement of Clarified Sugar Cane Juice to Minimize Evaporator Scales Through a New Method of Treatment/
رقم البحث : 12493870 Kinetic Modeling and Experimental Study of a Premixed charge Compression Ignition Engine Fueled With Premixed Ethanol-Diesel Fuel Blends/
volum 9 - june 2017 - 01/06/2017
رقم البحث : 12415096 Thermal Treatment of Lignin as a Function of Temperatures & Reacting Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12414950 Factors Affecting the Mechanical Inter-Row Cultivation for Sugar-Beet Crop in Big-Scale Projects /
رقم البحث : 12414949 Evaluating the Treatment of Sugar Industry Wastewater Using
the Effective Microorganisms Formulation /
رقم البحث : 12414938 Adsorption of Some Aryl Azothieno [2,3-b]Pyridine Dyes on Sugarcane Bagasse /
رقم البحث : 12414941 Corn Cobs As Adsorbents For dehydration of Ethanol-Water Mixture /
رقم البحث : 12414943 Effect of Nitrogen Sources & Vitamins Addition on Bakers Yeast Fermentation Activity /
رقم البحث : 12414946 Cellulose Decomposing Fungi Isolated from Beet Pulp & Caught from Cultivated Soil /
رقم البحث : 12414948 Comparison Between Batch, Fed-Batch, Semi-Continuous and
Continuous Techniques for Bio-Ethanol Production from a
Mixture of Egyptian Cane and Beet Molasses /
volum 8 - 2016 - 01/06/2016
رقم البحث : 12332891 filamentous fungi and their enzymatic activities associated with sugar cane molasses/
رقم البحث : 12332879 key factors affecting the efficiency of ethanol fermentation using beet molasses/
رقم البحث : 12332861 Egypyian sugar recovery formula for sugar beet/
رقم البحث : 12333346 Preparation of hydrogels by grafting of lignin with Polyvinyl alcohol and polyacrylamide/
رقم البحث : 12333309 A New technique for Planting sugarcane in egypt /
رقم البحث : 12333395 Maximizing Productivity and Water used Efficiency of Sugarcane Crop/
رقم البحث : 12333406 Performance of Commercial Sugarcane Loading Equipment Available in Upper Egypt/
رقم البحث : 12333548 Assessment of Somaclonal Variation, Correlation and Stepwise Regression to Evaluate new Sugarcane Somaclones/
volum 7 - june 2015 - 01/06/2015
رقم البحث : 12184489 Assessment of the developed formula for determining true sucrose in sugar beet under Egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 12184505 Determination of sucrose losses in beet sugar manufacturing at Dakahlia sugar company, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12184564 Development of on-condition monitoring maintenance using logistic engineering/
رقم البحث : 12184566 Seasonal variation of physicochemical parameters of wastes from drinking water purification plants, Sohag (Egypt) /
رقم البحث : 12184569 A Study on the air quality from sugar industry in Upper-Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12184843 Evaluation of heat stress on workers of bakery at Assiut City, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12184844 Environmental impacts from poultry feeding plant, Al Safa industrial zone, ae Bani- Galeb, Assiut, Egypt /
volum 6 - 2013 june - 01/06/2013
رقم البحث : 12142612 Resbonse of Sugar beet grown on different soils to anhydrous ammonia injection /
رقم البحث : 12142635 Optimal Egyption Factors Affecting nonsugar Elimination In Beet Juice Purificaton and Economic Return On Sugar Recovery /
رقم البحث : 12142134 Microbial analsis and alcoholic fermention studies for Delta beet molasses /
رقم البحث : 12142138 Studies On Optimization Conditions For Alcoholic Fermentation Process Of Delta Beet Molasses/
رقم البحث : 12142416 Utilization Of Ion Exchange Resins: Ambersep GT74 and Amberlyst A21 In Purification Of Drinking Ground Water and Its characterization/
رقم البحث : 12142423 Industerial Waste Water Treatment and Reuse in Delta Sugar Company/
رقم البحث : 12142139 Beet Juice Purification Using a Recycled Amount Of First Carbonated MUD/
volum 5 - june 2012 - 01/06/2012
رقم البحث : 12139350 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the sugar beet quality and sugar recovery /
رقم البحث : 12141040 Study of effects of using acetic acid in condenser de-scaling on the exhaust emissions and the performance of Assiut thermal power plant/
رقم البحث : 12140945 Modelling and analysis of hydrostatic Transimission system/
رقم البحث : 12140058 Equipment to replace animal power for infield cane transport in egypt/
رقم البحث : 12140752 Distribution of heavy metals in an agricultural area around a fertilizer plant near Assiut City/
رقم البحث : 12140789 State of art: sugarcane mechanical loaders /
رقم البحث : 12140858 Fault diagnosis of hydraulic system/
رقم البحث : 12139844 physicochemical investigations of delta beet molasses for the bio-production of ethanol/
volum 4 - june 2011 - 01/06/2011
رقم البحث : 12144114 Acid-Catalyzed Oxidation of starch Carbhydrates, Kinetics and Mechanism of oxidation of starch Polysaccharide by Permanganate Ion in Aqueous Perchlorate Solutions /
رقم البحث : 12144329 Expert System Assisting Farmer Choice Of Cane Delivery Equipment /
رقم البحث : 12143540 Some nutritional and environmental factors affecting progesterone transformation by using humicola hyalothermophila IMI 204250 /
رقم البحث : 12143289 In Field Assessment of Somaclonal Variation among Sugarcane Clones Derived through Immature Leaf Callus Cultures/
رقم البحث : 12143324 study of the effects of furnace cleaning on the performance and emissions from assuit power plant/
رقم البحث : 12143523 Production Of Exo-polgalacturonase Enzyme By Fungal Strains Isolated from Citrus Fruits/
رقم البحث : 12143986 Development Kraft Pulping Of bagasse by using Soda-quinones derives/
رقم البحث : 12144076 Application Of Membrane Technology In Production Of White Plantation Sugar/
رقم البحث : 12144051 Conventional waste water Treatment Processes and reuse in Delta sugas company/
رقم البحث : 12144165 Expert System Assisting Farmer Choice of Blockage Overcome in Stripping Column by Applying a New Scale- Inhibitor Mixture in Hawamdia Distillery-SIIC-Giza-Egypt
volum 3 - june 2000 - 01/06/2000
رقم البحث : 12150272 Prospects of the Egyptian Sugar Industry in the Future/
رقم البحث : 12152206 Advanced Studies In Power Factor Correction With Or Without Harmonics In Beet Sugar Factories/
رقم البحث : 12152061 Cost-effective Appraches in Production of Sugarcan Plants Tolerant to Sainity and Drought Using Genetic Engineering-State the Art/
رقم البحث : 12151941 prduction of sugar by non conventional methods /
رقم البحث : 12151556 Sugarcane improvement in egypt current productivitt and future prospectives /
رقم البحث : 12151474 Improving Cane Yield, Salinity Tolerance and Disease Resistance using Anther and Tissue Culture Techniques in Sugarcane/
رقم البحث : 12151466 Overview on uses of sugar can by-products in industrial microbiology /
رقم البحث : 12151443 Sugar By-Products In The Fermentation Industry/
رقم البحث : 12151323 Diversification of sugar industry /
رقم البحث : 12150320 Proudction Or Imports Is Importing A Better Option Than Producing Sugar?/
رقم البحث : 12150267 Sugar production fundamentals under changing trade policicies /
volum 1 - june 1999 - 01/06/1999
رقم البحث : 12145441 Diversification of Sugar Indusry in Egypt/
رقم البحث : 12145456 ca-lactate production from sugar cane molass by lactobacillus delbrueckii nrrl b-445 under different growth conditions/
رقم البحث : 12145468 Mechanised Sugar Cane Harvesting And Handing Systems For Egypt/
رقم البحث : 12145494 Application of chromatographic techniques in the preparation of phosphoric acid from superphosphate fertilizer /
رقم البحث : 12145524 Brick Fabrication from wASTE OF sUGAR CANE AND pAPER tNDUSTRIES
رقم البحث : 12145595 Automation& protection of the cane mill feeding system I-A Reliable design for electrohydraulic dumping system /
رقم البحث : 12145615 The Effect Of Sugar Cane Industry On Ambient Air Quality : A Field Investigation Of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants Concentration Levels/
رقم البحث : 12145644 Automation and Protection of the cane mill feeding system br2-speed control of the feeding system/
رقم البحث : 12145685 Experiences with the falling film plant evzporator- latest state in the development of evaporation technology as well as concepts for energy efficient process schemes in the cane sugar industry /
رقم البحث : 12145735 Stuedy of the Best Conditions for Chemichal Treatment of Sugar Cane Juice to Reach A Clear Juice of High Quality in Color Clarity Viscosity and Ash Content/
رقم البحث : 12145738 Microbiological Transformation Of Progesterone Using Molasses as Culture Medium For Cultivation Of Microorganisms/
رقم البحث : 12146056 Improving sugar cane flowering at hawamedia breeding station /
رقم البحث : 12146062 Management Of the purple-Lined Sugarcane Borer, Chilo Agamemnon Bles. Populations by Inundtive Releases Of Indigenous Trichogrmma Evanescens Westw/
رقم البحث : 12146072 Seed Production In Sugarcane- Scope And Concept/
رقم البحث : 12146088 Ammoniated Ammonnium Nitrate Liquid Fertilizer 33% N/
رقم البحث : 12146131 Biological and mineral fertilization of sugar beet under weed control: i-sugar beet productivity /
رقم البحث : 12146142 Effect Of Growth Regulator, Nitrogen Fertilization and Foliar Nutrition Treatments : I. Growth Attributes Of Sugar Beet/
رقم البحث : 12146426 Activity of olant oils against powdary mildew of sugarbeet caused by erysiphe betae /
رقم البحث : 12146563 Production of sugarcane strains tolerant to environmental stresses by modern biotechnological methods /
رقم البحث : 12146550 Role of plant population and water quantity on growth, yield and quality of sugar beet in north nile delta/
رقم البحث : 12146058 Evaluation of Stripping Voltammetry and High Performance Liquid chromatograoy for Separation and Determinayion of lead InSugar Manufacturing Processes/
volum 2 - 1999 june - 01/06/1999
رقم البحث : 12147221 Influence of black liquor on the properties of mortar, concrete and soils/
رقم البحث : 12147282 Use of Brown sugar for the preparation of some pharmaceutical dosage forms /
رقم البحث : 12147349 Study of transportation cost and manufacturing assignment problems for a system of different production centers, different parts and a specified singel assembly line/
رقم البحث : 12147366 Design and Manufacturing Of Butterfly Valves for Process Control/
رقم البحث : 12147413 Sugar Cane Industry is a clean and Non polluting Industry /
رقم البحث : 12147488 Design of a new Ball-Type Directional Control Valve/
رقم البحث : 12148897 A Two-Row Semi-Automatic Sugar Beet Stecking/
رقم البحث : 12148922 Industrial scale production of value-added products from agricultural by-products by high performance liquid chromatography /
رقم البحث : 12148948 A New Single Switch For 3-Phase Capacitors Used In Power Factor Correction In Sugar Industries/
رقم البحث : 12148950 Gas-phase esterification of acetic acid with ethyl and butyl alcohols over vanadium pentoxide supported on silsca and modified with alkali metal ions /
رقم البحث : 12149049 Biological and Mineral Fertilization of sugar Beet Under Weed Control:II-Fresh and Dry Eeight of Weeds at 50 and 100 Days from sowing/
رقم البحث : 12149069 Occurrence Of bacterial vascular Necrosis and Rot Disease On Sugar Beet Incited By Erwinia Carotovora In Dakahlia Governorat, Egypt/
رقم البحث : 12149115 The Physiological Factors Limiting Germination Of Su Beet Seed/
رقم البحث : 12149122 Yield,yield components and ouality of sugar beet as affected by growth regulator, nitrogen fertilization and foliar nutrition treatments /
رقم البحث : 12149156 Susceptibility of twenty Six Sugarbeet Varieties to Root-Knot Nematodes, meloidogyne spp. in the Newly Reclaimed Sandy Sandy Soils of Al-Bostan Region/
رقم البحث : 12149774 Bagasse Drying :A Review/
رقم البحث : 12150225 Cultivation of sugar beet after the last irrigation of barley using paper pot methods /
رقم البحث : 12147220 Preparations for mechanical harvesting /

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