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[9001036.] كود البحث : 9001036 - 2016/04/01
Current Status:
The Effectiveness of a program based on Digital Storytelling Approach in Developing Freshmen’s EFL Narrative Writing Skills /
تخصص البحث : قسم المناهج
  المجلة التربوية لكلية التربية بسوهاج : / 42 - أكتوبر 2015م
  Hasnaa Sabry Abdel-Hamid Ahmed Helwa - مؤلف رئيسي
  Digital Storytelling Approach –EFL Narrative Writing skills.
  The aim of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of using a program based on digital storytelling approach in developing EFL narrative writing skills among freshmen at Faculty of Education. The design of the research is a mixed research methodology. It combines both quantitative and qualitative methods of inquiry. The study subjects consisted of twenty students enrolled in first year English section at Faculty of Education, Benha University, Egypt. They were tested before and after the intervention. They were taught through using a program based on digital storytelling approach. The instruments of the research included an EFL narrative writing skills test, rubric for marking subjects ’answers and a semi-structured interview. Results of the study revealed a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the study subjects in the pre and post administration of the EFL narrative writing skills test in favor of the post administration. The researcher attributes this improvement to the use of the digital storytelling approached used in the present study. Implications for teachers of English, recommendations, and suggestions for further studies are presented at the end of the study.

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